Chapter 10

Kenji rushed at Deku and went to punch him but Deku blocked his punch and went to punch him back. Kenji before he got punched he got away quickly. Then Yami said "Guys we need to come up with a plan." Suichi and Kenji both agreed with him and then Yami explained his plan to them. Then Yami creates a copy of himself (A/N when he does this his copy can only use whatever he creates it out of and his power is cut in half) out of light matter, then his clone and Kenji rush at Deku while Yami and Suichi stays in the back and fire off beams of dark matter while Suichi throws his knife "Phoenix" at Deku. Deku getting hit from all over says "I'm quite surprised that you came up with a plan like this Yami, but I'm sorry because this won't work on me again" as he goes to hit his clone but it turns out that it is the real Yami. Deku was surprised by that because he saw the clone Yami but then he realized 'Yami made a cloud of dark matter and he swap places with his clone, not bad' Then the clone Yami who is next to Suichi disappears.Then Kenji attacks the surprised Deku making him go back a few feet. Then Yami creates two orbs of dark matter and light matter and then he combines them and he at Deku and puts the Light and Dark orb right into his chest. Deku then says "Alright that's enough for today." After a few days of training with Deku, Yami says "Can I speak with you?" Deku agrees and then Yami says "I've been thinking about what you said about me becoming your successor and I decided that I will become your successor." Deku then says "Alright but before you can get the quirk your body needs to get into shape otherwise your body won't be able to sustain the power.." End of chapter ten.