Chapter 11

Deku tells Yami about Kenji's quirk and how Suichi found out about it. Then Deku says "If you are sure from now until the Sports Festival you will be training with me so you can take get the quirk." Yami sakes his head and says "Alright then." So for the next six months they all trained hard for the upcoming Sports Festival while Yami has to train twice as hard so he can receive Deku's quirk. Then two weeks before the Sports Festival, Deku said "Ok Yami it's time for you to receive my quirk. I want you to eat this piece of hair." as he pull a piece of his hair from his head. Yami looks disgusted because he has to eat someone else's hair to get a quirk. He then says "All right then, if you say so." He then takes the piece of hair and eats it. Then he feels a power surge through out his body. Then Kenji says "Welcome to the power club." Yami looks sick and says "What the hell do you mean." Kenji then explains that since his quirk power up his kicks and punches and what not, and he just received one for all he now has powerful punches and kicks all well. After leaving Deku's training a young girl walks up to them. She says "If it isnt the one who 'saved the school Yami'." Yami looks at her and says "Who are you?" Suichi then says you "She's Ivy Serling she is in class 2A and she went to the same Middle School as us." Yami then said "Oh yeah now I remember shes Flower Girl." Ivy was pissed off by that and said "What was that you Shadowed Bastard." Yami then said "You heard me Flower Girl." Then Ivy said "You better make it to the finals in the Sports Festival so we can settle this Shadowed Bastard." and she leaves. When they get back to their dorms the other classmates said that they should do a tour of each other's rooms since they are all done settling in. First was Yami's room, inside was a Flat Screen TV and a gaming console a computer and a expensive camera. The room was the color of dark blue. Then after his classmates saw his room he kicked them out and went to bed. The next day Kaminari says "All right class today were going to be training to get you ready for the Sports Festival in two weeks. Except for Yami because he has been selected to train with Deku." The class looks at him and one of them says "How come whenever we have to train he gets to do it with Deku?" Kaminari then says "Because the lea-" but he was cut off by Aizawa who said "Don't say another word you dimwit." then he said "Because of what happened a few months ago Security during the Sports Festival will be tightening up so make sure that you don't do anything wrong." then he leaves. Then the class except for Yami goes to the fields to train while Yami goes to Deku. When he arrives Deku says "All right today you are going to learn how to use one for all without damaging yourself." End of chapter eleven.