Chapter 12

It is now the day before the Sports Festival and everyone is excited. Kaminari then says "Ok class come down I wanted to say is I wish you all the best of luck tomorrow." The next day the Sports Festival has begun. Before the Sports Festival activities began Yami was walking around the food stands and bought some beef jerky. Then the announcement said "All UA students come to the arena please. When the students arrived the one who was overseeing the game was Kaminari. Kaminari then says "All right let's see what the first game shall be." The screen then flashed "Battle Royal. Kaminari then says "The first game is Battle Royal. Here are the rules the last person standing in 1 hour wins." Then the buzzer went off and the game had started. Yami then creates a black hole and goes in it and closes it. He waits for about fifty-five minutes and comes out when he does he sees one person left Kenji. He then says "I wasn't expecting you to be the only one left Kenji." Kenji then said "Where have you been Yami I've been waiting for you to show up." Yami then said "In my black hole." then he shot a beam of light matter at Kenji knocking him out cold. Kaminari then says "The winner of the Battle Royal is Mitsuko Yami of class 1A!!" Then Kaminari says "We will begin our next Activity in a hour so everyone can regain their strength." End of chapter twelve.