Chapter 13

It turns out that Suichi had forfeited the Sports Festival. When Kenji and Yami confronted him why he forfeited the Festival. Suichi says "It brings back memories of a old friend of mine." Then Yami asks "What do you mean by that Suichi?" Then Suichi says "I'll explain it to you. About two months before I met you two I had a friend. He wanted to come to UA with me and wanted to the number one place of the Sports Festival but he didn't get the chance to do so. Then one day the two of us snuck out together to play around town. Then we heard the screaming of a woman. So we ran to see if we could help her. But when we got to where the screaming came from no one was there or so we thought. But then two villains came out and attacked us. I was able to get away barely but my friend wasn't able to. When I showed the heroes where it happened there was nothing there no blood, no body. And I was left with this scar." He then shows his back to Yami and Kenji. They are in shock of how bad the scar looks. Then Yami says "If your going to forfeit the Festival then you are letting your friend down. You should try to win not for but for your friend!" Then the announcement for the second round goes off. Then Yami says "If you are going to win then you should try to do so now because if you don't participate in this round then you can't win." Then Yami and Kenji leave to go to the second round. End of chapter Thirteen.