Chapter 14

Before I start the chapter my friend Suichi_Todoroki gave a more descriptive tale of what happened in the conversation between Yami Kenji and Suichi so check it out and its Cannon in my story as well.

As Yami is walking away he runs into Ivy. She then looks at him and says "Wait the big bad Yami is crying wait till everyone hears about this." Yami then says "I'm not in the fucking mood right now Ivy." Shocked by what he just said she says "Wait what did you just called me?" While walking away from her he says "I called you by your name." He then walks into the arena and waits to see what the next Activity is going to be. Then he sees Suichi on the field. Then the screen flashed "Scavenger hunt." Then Kaminari says "The first eight people who find these items will go to the final round. Here are the items: One Deku action series figure. A hero theme t-shirt. A copy of the book "The number one hero." and finally you must race here. You may begin In 3...2..1 Start." Then Yami creates a black hole and goes into it and closes it up and then he opens another one outside of the arena. When he steps out of the black hole he runs to each stand and gets the items he needed. Then he opens up a black hole and goes into it and closes it up and then he opens up another black hole and turns in the items he had gotten. Kaminari then says "Mitsuko Yami is the second person who has finished round two!" Then Yami looks to see who was first. When he looks around he sees Ivy. He then walks up to her and says "Well if it isnt Flower Girl. Finished First eh?" Ivy then looks at him and says "Yeah so what you Shadowed Bastard. Anyways you better make it to the finals otherwise we won't be able to fight each other." Then Yami says "How about we make a bet?" Ivy looks at him and says "All right then if I win you do one thing I say." Then Yami says "And If I win you do one thing I say." Then they said "Agreed" Then after a hour the round finished. Then Kaminari says "All right everyone tomorrow is the last day of the Sports Festival so please be back here to see who is going to win." Then everyone leaves. Meanwhile while on top of the Arena two cloaked people are standing there. One of them then says "Tomorrow we take the top four people, I can't wait to see who were kidnapping." The other one agrees with him.

That's the End of this chapter. But I want you guys to say in the comments who you think the cloaked people are.