Chapter 15

That night the eight competitors were asleep except for Yami. He was thinking of a strategy to win the tournament. As the sun rises Yami is still awake. Then he walks out and eats breakfast. When Kenji and Suichi come out of their dorms Yami had already left. When they asked a fellow student named Selina she said "He said to tell you two that he went for some last minute training." Three hours later and its time for the first match. Kaminari then says "First we will have the battle between Hiroshi Kenji and Domen Momoru." The crowd cheers while Suichi says "Where the hell is Yami?" Then the battle between Kenji and Domen began. Kenji went to punch him but then Domen used his quirk Protection. Kenji then realizes that he is going to have to do a ring out to win. He then ran up to Domen and started to push him out of the ring. After about five minutes of struggling to push out of the ring Domen falls. Kaminari then says "The winner of the first match is Hiroshi Kenji. Now we would like for Ivy Serling and Ota Hotaka to come up to the arena." Then the two girls stepped up to the stage and got ready to fight. Kaminari then says "Get ready and fight!" Ivy threw seeds at Hotaka and then vines wrapped around Hotakas leg at threw her out of the arena. Kaminari then says "The winner is Ivy Serling! We would know like for Suichi Todoroki and Kanai Mi! You may begin whenever your ready." Suichi looked at Kanai with a deadly look. Kanai the says "I surrender!" While running away. Kaminari then says "Ummmm..... The winner is Suichi Todoroki. Can we have Mitsuko Yami and Sadate Hairu to come to the arena please." Only Sadate is on the arena. Kaminari then says "Since Mitsuko Yami didn't show up for his match the winner is Sadat-" But he was cut off because a black hole appeared on the arena and Yami stepped out with longer hair then from the day before. Kaminari then says "Your late Yami. But you may begin." Yami then looks at him and says "Sorry teach I lost the track of time." End of chapter fifteen.