Chapter 16

Sadate used her quirk "Shadow Step" as best as she could to teleport around Yami to confuse him. Yami stood there and gave a smirk. He created a black whip and grabbed Sadate and pulled her to him and punched her once in the gut to knock her out. Then Kaminari says "Mitsuko Yami is the winner. That's the final battle of round 1 in 1 hour we will begin the next round." Then Yami walks up to Kenji and Suichi and says "Did you two win your matches?" Suichi says "Yes and where the hell have you be at?" Then a mysterious man says "He's been with me." When Suichi and Kenji turn their heads they see the pro hero "Time Ahead." Suichi then says "So you went to him and asked him to use his quirk on you so you can train? How long did you train for anyways?" Yami looked at him and said "Yes I did and I asked him to make it where one hour would be one one month. So to me I haven't seen you guys in three months." Suichi sighs and says "Anyways we should wait till the next match." Yami and Kenji agreed with him and they walked around the festival and Yami got a haircut. Then it was time for the next match. Kaminari says "Can Kenji Hiroshi and Ivy Serling come to the arena please. If your ready you may begin!" The crowd cheers as they see the battle begin. Kenji rushes at Ivy but she steps out of the way and kicks him out of the arena. Then she says "Mitsuko Yami, You better make it to the next round!" Then Kaminari says "Looks like things are spicing up. Anyways we would like for Suichi Todoroki and Mitsuko Yami to come to the arena." Then Yami says to Suichi "No hard feelings for whoever wins." Suichi agrees and Yami creates two black holes for them and they arrive on the arena. Kaminari then says "Begin!" Suichi throws his phoenix at Yami but he disappeared. Suichi looks around for him but then he gets him from behind. Yami then says to Suichi "You need to keep your guard up, otherwise you will not win." Suichi gets up and goes for Yami but he turns himself into light matter and Suichi goes right through him. Suichi then says to himself "Just win for me!" While Suichi was saying that Yami created a black hole underneath him and Suichi fell out of another one outside of the arena. Kaminari then says "Mitsuko Yami will go on to the finals. Ivy and Yami pls be back here in a hour." End of chapter sixteen