Chapter 17

After the battle between Yami and Suichi, Suichi went back to his dorm. (A/N If you want to know what happened go to Suichi_Todoroki's story.) Then a hour had passed and it was time for the final battle. Kaminari then says "Mitsuko Yami and Ivy Serling are you ready?" Yami and Ivy shook their heads. Then Kaminari says "You may begin!!!" Ivy threw seeds around her. Yami created a black hole behind in front of him and behind Ivy. He then created a black whip and made it go into the black hole and grabbed Ivy and pulled her in. When she came out of the black hole she got punched in the gut. Then she made the seeds grow and makes them come at Yami. But Yami turned himself into light matter and the vines went through him. Yami then created multiple black holes in the sky and then he threw Ivy using his black whip. He then went through the multiple black holes and was in the air with Ivy. She then said "Are you crazy?! I'll die if I hit the ground from this height!!" Yami then chuckles and says "Don't worry I won't let you die." He then punches her with a fist powered by both light and dark matter along with one for all. She goes down to the ground with incredible speed. but before she hits the ground she is caught by a black whip and then is placed onto the ground. When Yami arrives back onto the ground, Ivy is shaking because she is afraid of heights. Then Yami says "Game over Ivy." He then pushes her out of the arena. Kaminari then says "The winner of the SPORTS FESTIVAL IS MITSUKO YAMI!!!!!!" Then the ranking winners stood on the pedestals. Kaminari says "In third place is Suichi Todoroki. In second place is Ivy Serling. And in First place is Mitsuko Yami!!" Then two mysterious figures say "We will be taking them." Then the biggest black hole Yami and Suichi have ever seen appeared underneath them. Yami and Suichi fall in but Kaminari was able to grab Ivy in time. Then the two figures jump into the black hole and it closes. The crowd is panicking since they just saw two students disappear. The proheros began looking for the missing students. End of chapter seventeen.