Chapter 18

When Yami and Suichi went through the black hole, they were knocked out. When Suichi woked up he saw that they were chained up and that Yami was still out. Then he saw the two figures and said "Who the hell are and what do you want with us?!" One of them spoke "Since Morbius failed at recruiting you and bringing a specific person back, we were tasked to grab the first,second,and third place winners if the Sports Festival but the girl was rescued but the league will be happy that we got the most powerful first years." Then Yami awakens and looks around his surroundings and then says "Some victory party, this is lame." While the two mysterious figures were talking Suichi pointed to his knife in his pocket and Yami shook his head and grabbed it and slid it over to him. When the chains were broken they got up quietly. Yami then creates a black hole and says "Well I guess I will never see you two again." As he and Suichi were about to walk through the portal it is closed. Yami looks behind him and sees the figures laughing and taking off their masks. The man says "Oh my little son you need learn so much about your dark power." The man looks like Yami minus the hair and eyes. The woman has Yami's hair and eyes. Both Yami and Suichi were surprised to see Yami's parents. Then Suichi says "I've been waiting to see you Bastards again!" The villains laugh and say "Oh really, and how do you know us?" Suichi looks at them with eyes of anger and tears. He then says "About 7 years ago you attacked two kids and one got away. I was the kid who got away." The two villains look at each other and Yami's mother says "Aww you went and grew up and want to kill us that's cute! But don't you want to know what happened to your little friend?' Suichi grew even angrier but Yami puts his hand on his shoulder and says "They are trying to make you angry so they can defeat you easily." Then Yami's mother says "Come here sweetie I want to know how have you been and did you enjoy playing hero because you aren't allowed to play it ever again." Yami looks at her and says "You can go fuck off! If you really wanted to be my parents you would have gave up being a villain and raised your own fucking child. There is only two people who I will can Mom and Dad. So do me one favor as my real parents and fucking leave me and my friends and family alone and never speak to me again." Yami's father walks up to him and goes to punch him but Yami turned himself into light matter to avoid the hit. Then Yami's Father hits him and sends him flying and says "Listen here you little shit never speak to us like that again." Yami gets up and says "How did you hit me?" Yami's father laughs and says "Simple you were made of light matter and dark matter can hit it" Yami walks over to Suichi and whispers a plan to him. Yami's mother then says "Yami what are you saying to him!" Yami looks at her and says "Oh you will see eventually!" End of chapter eighteen.