Chapter 19

Yami then creates a mist of light matter to hind himself and Suichi. When the mist is gone Yami's mother says "Aw sweetheart he wants to play hide and seek with him and his friend." His father agrees and starts to look for them. Then Yami appears behind them and shoots a beam of light matter at them. Then Suichi throws a ball of fire at them. Yami's mother canceled out the beam and they turn into light matter and dark matter to avoid the fire ball. While they are in that state Yami fires a beam of light matter and dark matter at his parents. Before they could react they get hit by the two beams. Yami then says "Thanks for the info on what can hurt me when I'm in either light or dark matter mode." Yami's father then says "That's my boy using the other person's weakness against them." (A/N I would like for you guys to give them a name and the best ones I like I'll use) Yami then disappears and Yami appears next to Suichi. His mother then says "When di you get over there?" Yami laughs and says "So even my own parents can't make a clone of themselves. This is just to harlious for me." Suichi then says "Whatever but we need to defeat them so we can get out of here." Then Yami's father says while helping his wife get up "That hit you got on us was luck so you will never be able to hit us again!" Yami's father goes after Yami while Yami's mother goes after Suichi. They each create a portal and take them somewhere different to battle them. When Yami emerges from the portal he sees a flat while beautiful land and his father waiting to battle him. End of chapter nineteen.