Chapter 20

With Yami's father staring him down he says to him "I guess I'll have to beat some obedience into you!" Yami looks at him and says "I'll like to see you try." Then his father came at him with great speed. Yami barely dodges him. His father than looks at him and says "You'll make a great villain!" Yami keeps invading his attacks and then he sees a opening. He goes for the opening and strikes his father. Yami then jumps back away from his father. His father slowly looks up at him and chuckles. He then walks up to Yami and goes to punch him. Yami then turns himself into light matter so the punch will go through him. The punch goes through him. Then he backs away and creates two black whips. His father not knowing that the black whips aren't made of black matter gets hit and goes flying. His father then gets ups and looks at him and says "Those weren't made of Dark Matter where they?" Yami looking at him and ready to end the fight says "They were not made of dark matter." His father looking at him says "So you have One for All? Who would have thought that my own son would become a possessor of O.F.A! The league is going to be happy with you went you join the-" Yami cuts off his father with a Black Whip through his chest. His father then looks at his son and smiles and says "You will be a villain soon enough since you went for the kill!" His father then dies right there. Yami then opens up a black hole to his school's principal's office and takes his father's body with him so the police can take it later. When he arrives Principal Aizawa is surprised to see him. Then he sees Yami's father's body and calls the police to come get it. He then asks him "I'm surprised that you weren't the one killed. Also where is Suichi at?" Yami then says "I have no idea, we were together then my parents separated us. I battled my father and I'm guessing he's fighting my mother." Aizawa then says "Its time for you to go to the hospital to treat your wounds. Also don't worry about Suichi, We'll find him." Yami nods at him and goes with him to the hospital. End of chapter Twenty.

Sorry for not posting a chapter in a while some things came up and I was busy and I could hardly write a chapter. But I'm going to be able to write more often now and I'm looking forward to writing more chapters for you guys.