Chapter 21

Five hours after Yami went into the hospital, Suichi was also brought in and ended up in the same room as Yami. Yami was asleep when Suichi came in. The next day Yami was surprised to see Suichi in the same room. Yami then said "What the hell are you doing in my room?!" Then Aizawa walked in and said "So you two and I can have a chat. Do you have a problem with this?" Yami looked at him and stayed quiet. Aizawa then said "How the hell did Hiroshi Kenji find you Suichi and how did you two manage to escape with only scratches and some broken bones?" Yami then said "I put a tracker on Suichi and Kenji had the locator for it, and I was able to get away with a few scratches and broken bones because my father didn't know that I had One for All and I could manifest black whip." Aizawa sighs and then he says "Also why the hell did you two kill two powerful villains that we could have integrate to find out there base?!" Both Yami and Suichi said at the same time "If we didn't they would've done the same thing to us." Aizawa looks at them and sighs. He then says "After the two of you ate healthy enough to come back to school come to my office." The both of them say "Yes sir." and then he leaves. After two weeks in the hospital Yami and Suichi go back to school. When they walk on to the school grounds every student runs up to them and ask questions about how they escaped from the villains and how they won. Yami says "First of all None of your business and Secondly Come on Suichi." as he drags Suichi into a black hole leading to Aizawa's office. Aizawa sees the black hole and sits down in his chair. Then Yami and Suichi steps out of the black hole. Aizawa then says "I told the press that you two only killed the villains on accident. But because of what you two did for the next two weeks you are suspended from school and you must clean every inch of your dorm every two days." Yami and Suichi look at each other and says "We except our punishment." then they walk to their dorms. Then they walk into the dorms and most of class 1A is happy to see them. Their classmates ask them. questions. The End of chapter Twenty One