Chapter 22

During Yami's and Suichi's suspension from school Yami got a call from the police. They had asked him to come to the police station. When he had arrived he was told that his adoptive father had died. When he heard this he asked "Wh-who did it?!" The police officer looked at him and said "The leader of the league of villains, Tomura Shigaraki. The only reason why we know it was him is because he left a video addressed to you." Yami took the cd and took it home with him. When he watched it, it showed Tomura Shigaraki who said "Hello Mitsuko Yami! As you probably know by know that your father Mitsuko Gachi has passed away. But I wanted to let you know that this wouldn't have happened if you joined your parents and joined the league. Also tell Deku I said Hi and he chose a excellent successor." Then the video ended. Yami told Kenji and Suichi what happened to his father. Then he told Aizawa and him and Kenji, and Suichi got excused to go to Yami's father's funeral. At the funeral both Kenji's and Suichi's parents were there along with Deku and Uragravity. Then before Yami and Suichi knew it they were back in school. Then Kaminari said to the class "Alright now that everything has passed over, its time to start your internships with proheros! Some of you were even scouted by some heros. These people are Mitsuko Yami, Kenji Hiroshi, Suichi Todoroki and Ivy Serling." Yami, Kenji and Suichi were asked to come to a ton of different agencies but only two of them caught their eye. Kaminari then said "You all have a week to decide who you want to go to. Also when you have decided you will tell me and I'll let that agency know. Then you will stay with that agency for a week. Any questions?" Nobody said anything. Then the bell ranged. Yami, Suichi and Kenji went to Kaminari and said "Well be going to the Deku agency." While Kenji said he'll be going to the Shoto agency. Kaminari said ok and then he pushed them out. While doing this he said "You three should catch up since having been hanging out together much anymore." They said ok and they started to walk to the dorms. Kenji asked "Why did you guys pick the Deku agency?" Yami said "I'm going to ask to for help training o.f.a." While Suichi said "I don't want to be like my father who went with my grandfather when he did his internship." Yami then asked "Why did you pick the Shoto agency?" Kenji laughed and said "Because I thought you two were going to go with him." They all bursted out laughing. Then the star necklace that Yami received from his mother and father started to glow. End of chapter Twenty two.