Chapter 23

When Yami's necklace started to glow a hologram appeared and it showed him his now deceased mother and father. Then his father said in a calm and caring voice "Yami if your seeing this then that means that both me and your are dead. And if your wondering when this was recorded it was the day we adopted you. We wanted to use our quirks to make you a final goodbye if something were going to happen. So your mother used her crystallization to make your necklace and I used my holo message to put this message in it. So I wanted to tell you this that no matter what happened to us it isn't your fault and it never will be and what ever you decide to do after we are gone we will believe in you no matter what." Then his mother started to talk in her sweet caring and gentle voice "As your father said we will also love you no matter what. I will pray that you make many great friends and I hope that you will always look forward to the future. Also if you ever have a daughter please name her after me. I love you Yami and goodbye." Then the hologram disappeared and Yami's necklace shattered. Tears where rolling down his face then he wiped them away and whispered to himself "Ok mom I promise to name my daughter after you if I ever get one." Then he and his friends started to walk to their dorms and then they bumped into Ivy Serling. See looked at them and said "Well if it isn't the number one first year and number three first year." Then Yami said "I think it's time to cash in." Ivy looked at him and said "Wh-what are you talking?!" Then Suichi and Kenji look at him confused. Yami explained to them that him and Ivy made a bet and he won. She then said "So what are you going to make me do?' Yami looked at her and said "That's simple your going to go on a date with me." Everyone but him was shocked, she then said while blushing heavily "Y-your j-joking right?" He shook his head no. She then said fine and left with her face completely red. While they were outside of the dorm house Suichi asked Yami "So why did you tell her to go on a day with you?" Yami said "She has always hated me so I thought if I take her on a date she might like me more and won't think of me as a person to kill." while giving a small chuckle. Then when they walked in Mineta asked "Is it true that your making Ivy go on a date with you?" Everyone was looking at him waiting for a answer He said yes and then Mineta asked "While you are on the date with her can you take a picture of her panties for me buddy?" Pissed off by that question Yami used his black whip to wrap him up and throw him down the hall hitting the wall. Then all the girls where asking why did he asked her and he said "None if your business and if you want to know why go ask her." Then he created a black hole and went to his room and got ready to go to sleep and did so. End of chapter Twenty Three.