Chapter 3 dinner and the Haze ❗❗


Author's note: the Haze is not of my own creation and belongs to the author of another story not on this app called "the millennium wolves" witch is another wolf story if you would like plz go read it also this chapter includes a mature theme and this symbol ❗ from here on out will indicate any mature themes in the chapter good more of the symbol the more mature it is this is your warning now on with the story. ____________________________________________

He was wearing an expensive suit with a bright red tie and his black hair was slicked back "please come in" he said gesturing everyone inside.

As I started to walk past him he stopped me and came close to my ear "you look gorgeous" he whispered. I smiled "and you look very handsome" as I walked away I could tell he became intrigued

After a few minutes everyone sat at the table awkward silence filled the room until my mother wanted to break the silence

"So Mr. Lockwood What made you want to be Aria's Partner for the season?" she asked not trying not to sound rude

"please call me Aiden Mrs. Winchester"

"and call me Amy"

"and as for your question Amy..." he said making a subtle look at me "I heard her beautiful voice the other night and I just had to meet her and have her as my partner"

"aw how sweet" my mother replied. as I was taking a sip of my drink Aiden continued to talk "I actually asked you all here tonight to ask permission for Aria to move in with me for the season"

I was so shocked I almost spit my drink out of my mouth "I'm not sure" my father said folding his arms "oh come now Robert" my mother said putting her fork down "Aria is turning 20 in less then 2 weeks she is old enough to make her own decisions." my mother was right this was up to me, before I could get a word out what felt like an electric pulse shot between my thighs.

*no not now* I thought *exit I need an exit. there* as I looked over I saw a door I new my sister and parents had felt it because of the way they looked at each other

I darted for the door and ran to the edge of the woods *I need to get these clothes off* I took my clothes off and changed into my wolf form then darted into the woods at full speed truth be told I had never done it unlike any other of our kind who had lot there virginity long ago for some reason I wanted to wait.

as I continue running I could smell 3 wolves coming towards me before I new it they were right behind me the we're gonna try to get me weather I wanted it or not and I really did I but I didn't intend on doing it tonight no matter how much the Haze affected me

after a minute on of them tried to sneak up behind me I quickly turned and snapped at him basically saying touch me and you die

another then grabbed my leg making me fall but I growled one more time he decided not to listen so I grabbed him by the throat and threw him to the ground he started whimpering and I let him run off

the last wolf who was bigger then the other 2 came up behind me again and growled saying I was his now he started walking toward me and I backed up until I got to the bottom wall of a cliff I growled telling him to back off but he only came closer I decided j was going to attack but before I could a black wolf even bigger then the brow one that had just corned me came and attacked the wolf grabbing its scruff and throwing it against the tree a brown wolf got up and ran knowing it would lose the big black wolf walked over to to check on me and he rubbed up against me as if to say thank God your ok

It was Aiden he saved me and at that moment I really didn't know what to think of him

we linked our minds as if to talk in our wolf forms

"why did you run off?" he asked "Because I don't know you enough to do it. I mean don't think I'm one of those girls who just wants to have s*x with the alpha" I said pointing out only half the truth "ok" he replied "ok what" I said "let's get to know each other..."

To Be Continued