Chapter 4 Love Starts To Blossom

"Let's get to know each other" he said through our mind link. after that we spent the rest of the night getting to know each other, talking about what we liked and didn't, we communicated everything through the mind link. I'm not sure when but eventually I fell asleep.



2 nights ago my beta convinced me to take a break, and that is a hard thing to do. we went to a bar and I guess a small but somewhat popular band was preforming when I first saw them I thought they couldn't be that good right.

oh how wrong I was from the second I saw the lead singer I think I fell in love and hearing her voice only made me love her even more she was a red head with pale but freckly skin and her voice was of that of an angel I don't know what Happened but after they ended for the night I had to follow her. then I marked her and as I walked away I said "that mark means your mine for the season any wolf tries to touch you he's dead."

I was honestly surprised I did such a thing I've never done something like that I have the urge to the next day I invited her and her family to dinner at my place. when her family got there she was the last one in the house and when I saw her all I can think about was how

gorgeous she was wearing a beautiful golden dress that fell to her knees.

I leaned close and whispered in her ear "you look gorgeous" she smiled "and you look very handsome" as she walked away I couldn't help but become intrigued.

after a while the dinner started but little did we all know that the haze would start tonight everyone went silent I looked over at Aria who was as still as a statue I could tell she's trying to fight it.

after a minute she ran off towards the back door running toward the woods I told her family which was my beta her sister's mate her sister and her parents "there are guest rooms upstairs if you would like to use them" then I ran off toward the back door into the woods following her, eventually I saw her golden dress hanging on a branch and I knew she changed to her wolf so I did the same and took off following her scent eventually I found her fighting off 3 male wolves, she fought them off pretty well. the fourth one snuck up behind her, he intended to get her. she backed all the way up to the bottom of a cliff wall right before she was about to snap at him I lunged taking him down and throwing him against a tree he got up and ran, then me and Aria connected through Mind Link and I asked "why did you run off?"

she replied "Because I don't know you enough to do it. I mean don't think I'm one of those girls who just wants to have s*x with the alpha" so I said "ok" and she asked "ok what" and I replied Let's get to know each other" I said through our mind link. after that we spent the rest of the night getting to know each other talking about what we liked and didn't, we communicated everything through the mind link.

eventually we both fell asleep in our wolf forms and when I woke up it was already gone and she was not stop against me like she was trying to stay warm it was like I fell in love with her even more in all honesty I think I was falling in love with her four alphas it was harder for us to find our mates and I've never felt like this for anyone but at the same time there's no proof that we were mates yet so I decided I would wait until I knew more before I told her a little while later I noticed her waking up.



I woke up and I was against Aiden in his wolf form. it was weird because being next to him I felt warm and safe like nothing could hurt me as long as I was next to him. I looked up to see a black furry face of a wolf with the most blue eyes. I think I was starting to love him but to be honest I wasn't sure.

I stood up and decided it was probably time to head back I was sure by then my parents and sister were already home so it would be easier.

"so are you gonna move in" he asked walking behind me "I'll think about it right now I need to go home and take a shower" "you can take a shower at my place" he said with what I think would be a smirk "good bye Aiden" I replied and ran off to where I left my dress

To Be Continued