06 Creations

After that little meeting Angelica decided that she should make a few changes here and there, before leaving tomorrow.

Back at the library where she first woke up at, she was currently making some new potions using the herbs she had just gotten. There were enough for her to make at least ten of them with high graded healing properties.

This will be one of her parting gifts. As for the other one, she'll need to tweak it a little more and finally test it out. She just had to find the prefect person for it or more like test it on.

She was moving everywhere, from left to right so quickly that a few things were starting to fall off the work bench.

Harry and Helix looked at their master and shook their head as they rested. After coming back she started working non stop on something which made them worry. What would happen if she collapsed? Wouldn't that make things worse?

Crash!! Bang!!

They both looked up to find the fallen Angelica on a bunch of books. From the looks of it, she probably tripped over it and buried herself under a pile of books.

"Uwahh! Helix! Harry! Help me!" Angelica muffled voice was heard under the pile.

Helix and Harry: "....." why did it feel like they just jinx it?

Both wolves slowly took each book into the their mouth and placed it by the side. Slowly the books decreased and Angelica finally got up.

"Thank you!" She said before pulling out something while saying, "Here you go! I made this for you guys!" Angelica said and showed them the things in her hand.

It looked like some sort of anklet filled with multiple jewels. But it wasn't an ordinary anklet, it was a magic one infused with her magic and also some jewels that contain magical runes.

Harry looked at what was in her hand and tilted his head to the left studying the item, "Master, what does this do?" He felt the presence of magic coming from it.

Angelica ruffled both of their heads and explained, "I made these for you guys. They have small engravings that I wrote. It will protect you from any magic attacks, but if an attack is to powerful one of these jewels will break. That means that it broke from the magic attack and also one power level of magic has decreased and that the barrier will not be as strong but still strong enough to protect you. They have a total of seven jewels. If you guys are hit with a strong attack seven times, my magic will be released and you would be teleported to a safe distance of 2 kilometres away from the danger."

Harry and Helix looked dumbfounded, they never expected her to creat something like this. It was so powerful yet here she was giving it to them.

Helix circle Angelica before knocking her down to sit and licking her face. It was his way of saying thanks. He rested his head in her lap and rub himself on her. Harry also placed his head on her lap and rubbed his head on her. Both wolves happily cuddled with her showing their mood.

Angelica smiled at the both of them and patted their black fur.

Honestly without the two of them she would feel very lonely. They've been with her for a long time and the first ones who stayed so close to her during her painful times.

Some things were best left unsaid. When talking to people.

That's why she found it hard to explain to her friends about herself. Would they find it sad? Pitying? Repulsive? If they did then suffering and keeping a chain on her feelings would be best.

Her courage was weak, so voicing these things out were tough.

Yet these two in front of her watched her strive through and also watched her failures as well. You could say they know Angelica more than herself at this point.

Angelica never wanted anything, but she was very protective of the things that surround her heart. A small gift like this was nothing for the two of them, if she could she would have made something better for the two.

Yet the two wolves thought otherwise. They both cuddled with for a few more minutes expressing their feelings. Angelica had knew them since they were pups. She was their saviour and mother that she took care of them.

Angelica smiled at them and slowly put on the anklet she made for them. After putting it on she admired it for a while, "It suits your guys very well! Next time I'll make a better one, but that will be later on."

Angelica looked at the both of them who were studying their anklets with interest. She could tell they were happy and it lifted her spirits as well.

She walk back to the workbench and tried finishing what she originally was making. The sounds of metal and blazing fire was heard, which brightened the place. She spent several hours before, checking it out and to see if anything was out of place.

Looking at the double dagger she smiled. It was successfully made and faintly had a white glow around it, showing it's magic affinity, wind.

It was a piece from a long time ago and she decided that she might as well gift this the Aurelian who shattered his one last time. While for Valeria she decided to give earth crystal which would increase the ability of those who use earth magic. It suited her perfectly and for a bonus she gave the healing potions.

While for the two kids, she made two pendants, which would have the same properties as the anklets she made, but it would still be on the rather incomplete side since she made them from scratch and it wouldn't be as good as the ones she made for the pups.

Yet it it would still protect them since their young. She'll probably make something better when their at older age.

Grinning at the items she felt proud and said out loud, "Ahh! Angelica you over did yourself! Look at how amazing you are!" And graciously complimented herself.

Harry and Helix:"....." Master, why are you such a werido?

Both wolves looked at each other and shook their heads in disapproval.