The Palace has closed it gates not letting anyone in and out. The Second Prince or the acting King grimly walked towards his brothers room along with a train of knights behind him. He opened the door with a bang and looked at the mess around. He walked towards the bed and found it empty. Sighing to himself he looked at the knights and spoke coldly.
"Who was on watch?"
The room instantly became stiff and one knight hesitantly answered. "The room was blocked by a barrier.. a-and no knight was able to break it. Then it suddenly d-disappeared..." the knight gulp. "When we walked in..t-the room was a mess and we couldn't find the King..." the knights became even more pale.
Crack! The people in the room looked at the glass windows that cracked all of a sudden. And then broke into tiny piece.
Everyone in the room bowed down tot he second prince who was raging due to this mess. The couldn't stand the pressure and could only hope that someone would stop him.
Vander hadn't felt this angry for a long time. He couldn't believe someone was able to easily sneak in and also kidnap his brother without making such a commotion. He knew Cathal well and he wouldn't leave without a fight or at least destroying part of the palace before disappearing. And all the magic traps that were laid in an intricate way in his room. Those were all made by his magic how come none of them were set off.
Of course, he wouldn't know that the barrier Angelica made destroyed those traps.
But it didn't even pass his mind that it was his teacher who had done it.
He rubbed his temple trying to calm himself down and not cause more problems than there already were. But he was worried about his brother more than anything.
The curse had been affecting him a severe rate and it couldn't get any worse then now. He needed to get his brother back immediately and he could only use the help of Duke Hethburn and Earl Fehlman. He clenched his fist as a vain on his neck throbbed from anger.
'I will so kill the person who harms my family.'
- - - - -
Angelica had safely teleported them to the place she had told them to gather. She saw Travis and the knights from the Duke waiting for her. All they needed was Felix and they can start.
"Your Majesty!!" The people in the room called out as the saw the the King's face after so long. But they couldn't approach him unless they want to get affected.
"Princess!! Your arm!!" A knight pointed out and she saw the curse marks crawling and spreading to her arm in dark black magic patches.
"See this is why you humans can't get affected by it. You'll die." She sighed and carried Cathal to the magic circle she carefully let him go.
She looked at his eyes and only smiled at how big her grown up to be. She ruffed his hair lovingly before changing into a serious look.
They have no more time.
"Brat get over here." She said to Travis and it seemed to piss him off. But he knew best and cooperated.
Another flashed of light appeared in the room and she saw Ivan and Felix. "Get here quickly. I have to start now! Be prepared and have your weapons out." She warned.
The intricate magic circle was made from her blood magic that only royal blooded witches can use. Her mother was an amazing example. As she had always used her blood in fighting and magic. They called her the 'Red Witch' even though the appearance of hers was the opposite.
"Hah, it's gonna be a long night." She looked at the three of them in her circle and then brought out the knigw she had.
Slash! Angelica looked down to her arm and sighed she took off her top. And everyone saw the bandage that was wrapped around her shoulder and chest. But the next action stunned.
She stabbed the her shoulder wounds from months back.
Ivan felt his fist clench and as the blood slip out from her wound. That exact wound that caused her so much pain and even caused her to faint.
She ruthlessly stabbed herself without beating an eye. She then pulled out the dagger and fresh blood came gushing out even faster. Falling all over the her and a pool formed around her.
But what followed after that was what amazed them.
The room lit up in a bright red light as the blood started merging with the magic circle on the floor. They watched on until the felt a chilling sensation coming from the three men.
"Argh!!! AHH!!!" The men yelled in pain as the collapsed from the soaring pain from the marks that were stuck on their bodies.
They never ever felt such a bone cracking experience. It was as if they broke every single bone in their body and their muscles were twisted in the worst way. It was there whole body that screamed in pain to the point that they wished it stopped. The even found their consciousness fading until they heard Angelica yelled.
"Open you eyes!!! Stay awake and don't give up!!" She gritted her teeth.
She stayed focused to the maximum and watched the curse marks being slowly transferred into the air at a very slow speed. She clenched her jaw again and grabbed the dragged once more and stabbed her other shoulder making her blood spill out even more. It was a reckless decision but she can't have them stay there any longer and she had to move on to the next spell.
"I write the rule. I want the light to hold their heart and the darkness to cover mine. Come to my blood." She said.
"Chaos dwells in the my blood. And bittersweet to you." She said and saw the nasty figure of the black spirit that took hold of the their bodies.
The knights shudder seeing the three gooey being being pulled out of the bodies of Cathal, Felix and Travis. They've never scene such a horrific sight yet.
Ivan drawer his sword out and had already went to slay on of the three being that came out from the depths of the darkness.
"Disappear." He muttered and a blue flame burn the black thing into nothing.
"Get ready for battle!!" He yelled and his knight finally got ready.