She narrowed her eyes and sat down on the chair lazily. Angelica waited for the person to open the door of the dining room door since she was curious who they were. One of them were definitely Ivan and the other two...
The door open wide and she looked at their two student who decided to come in. She saw their eyes on her and wondered what happened.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" She wondered.
"Master I didn't know your had children?" Cathal said awkwardly and Angelica chocked on air from his statement.
Pff! Ivan couldn't holdback his laugh but still tried to cover it up with a cough and saw her completely stunned face. She was truly lost.
Angelica who had her mind blow up from this looked at Cathal completely baffled and a scary smile graced her lips as she said to the men.
"Children, what sort of blasphemy have you heard?!" Well as a witch she shouldn't be talking about god but still...
Since when did she ever have kids?!
"Who told you that? Are you both stupid? Should I throw you into the Magma Zone for a lesson?" She gritted her teeth and glared at the three men. Just who the hell started this?!
She hasn't even rolled in the sheets and if anything the only intimate thing she done was kissing or making out. But heck! She hasn't gotten knock up once yet!
"You seriously need to ask me about these things. If your talking about Helix then he a half-beast man, a rare beast species that is found in the Lone Canyon. I found the kids on the market and bought them." Her darken darken remembering the wounds the two pups had at the time, "Humans are such terrible beings."
The men became silent by the witch statement. They were human but they couldn't possibly say anything towards this statement about all humans.
"Are you offend by my statement?" She smiled and support her head on her hand.
Cathal was the own who spoke first, "Teacher, we are cruel people in and out. So I can't say anything about it, but your not wrong with saying that humans are terrible. But we are also equally good as well."
Angelica didn't say anything and lean back on the seat. She wasn't going to say anything more. Otherwise this could be a dangerous topic.
"Where's the brat?" She was referring to Vander who's face she hadn't seen. She wondered what the child had been up to since she had yet to see his face.
Cathal muffled a laughed and snitched right away, "He's here. But is a bit scared to see you." His brother was probably hiding somewhere in the mansion since he didn't want to see their teacher.
"Eh? Why? I'm not a monster? Well whatever, he'll come out eventually if not I'll find him one way or another." Angelica smirked and thought about hunting this little rabbit that hide itself in the nest of a fox.
"For sit down and eat. Vander will soon show himself since he can't hide from me." Angelica and the servants took it as the cue to get the dishes rolled in the delicious plates of food.
Angelica who was starved for quite a few days ate quite fast but still has her elegant aura while eating.
It amused Ivan and he pushed a few dishes toward her without her notice but the two men looked dumbfounded by this and knew that there was something going around the two of them.
Cathal wasn't one to pry and Felix didn't care either since it was his teacher decision to talk about it or not. But if Vander was here then it was a different story.
There answers would have come immediately since Vander was way more blunt than them.
Angelica felt like she had enough and calmly put her fork and knife down and grab the napkin. She waved her hand and the maid came and took away her plate and gave her a dessert.
She looked at it and wonder what type of treat is this.
"Pardon me, but what is this?" She asked Ivan and he answered indirectly.
"Give it a try and you'll know." He smiled.
Angelica glared at him and picked up the spoon and scoop the cold treat into her mouth and instantly fell in love with this.
"Wow! It's so good! What is it really!" Her eye sparkles with delight and she look at Ivan happily.
"Ice cream, a cold dessert perfect for hot weather. And also prefect sweet treat that you should eat." Ivan said and calmly gave his share to her as well.
"Wow! Being asleep for such a long time has changed the world so much! Truly a nice thing" she said and even ate Ivan's share without knowing.
Cathal and Felix: "....." they just didn't know what to say anymore. It looked like there teacher doesn't know that she was currently falling into a trap called Ivan.
Ivan the smart wolf was enjoying the fox Angelica showing new faces in front of him. He had a smile on his face and it was clearly a smitten look he had for her, yet she did no justice to look at him.
'This is fine.' He thought as long as she was happy.
But he soon needs to move fast otherwise this woman would heartlessly leave. Her words in the forest were clearly her way of distancing herself from them. She doesn't trust him completely and had very thin line between relationship with people.
'Call me unreasonable but I don't think I can trust you anymore.' Those words stung and made him helpless.
They might have small but hearty chats but she never really gave anything away to him. Like the poison after effects. She didn't bother telling him and he just caught her suffering alone. He felt empty and also very hurt even though he didn't have any right to tell her about it.
But when she fell asleep for so long after the battle he knew he couldn't survive without this woman.
He stayed up for three nights before falling asleep out of exhaustion. But his mind would be awake because of worry. He would wake up and check on her even in his exhausting state.
But relief washed over thin when he saw her awake and even calling his name. He couldn't help himself and kissed her chapped lips for sleeping for so long and hug her tightly so that he felt that it was real. She was real, alive and awake.
"Is there something on my face Duke? Why are you staring?" Angelica asked and touched her mouth as if to check if any food was left on the corner of her mouth.
"There's nothing. But you seem more beautiful today." Ivan commented and heard the two brats cough loudly.
'How annoying. If only I wasn't black mailed by this King.' He thought and regretted allowing these three into his house.
"Thank you, but that comment is getting old. Try an their one." Angelica laughed and clearly showed that she liked his compliment. Ivan smiled but his gaze was into the two brats trying to pry into his business.
He would rather spend time with Angelica then entertain these three. And idea came into his brain and he now knew if the prefect way to get rid of these brats. His eyes stay on the Princess like a prize and Angelica felt a but uncomfortable from his stare.
"Now, why are you staring?" She was genuinely wondering what this man was up too. He was thinking about something but she couldn't exactly get what.
"I just thought that you looked so beautiful that I wanna keep on staring at you." Now Angelica flushed and laughed out loud. She was flattered and wondered why this man was complimenting her.
"What in heavens is wrong with you?" She laughed and brushed away his flirting. He couldn't be more obvious and the kiss... she didn't want to think about it.
"What, I'm being honest. You look beautiful today and it's really blinding." Ivan continue and looked at the two men who looked away and tried to ignore them.
'It's karma for coming to early in the morning.' He mocked in his head.
"Okay, stop. I wonder why your doing that but the answer is no. I feel that your scheming something." She said and he innocently smiled.
"But you said 'try another one' and I did. What did I do wrong? Your falsely accusing me."
Angelica's jaw almost fell down and looked at his with a funny look making him laugh.
"Duke... I think we should leave. You seem busy." Cathal said and Felix nodded along with his words.
They were both done with them. It was rather hard to see their teacher act like this and also seeing the Duke say such words.
"What are you saying? You've come to visit and want to leave just like that? Do you want to throw you three into the Magma Zone?" She pouted and continued her complaining, "That's such a shame, I guess I can't test out your skills anymore. WELL isn't that sad. Maybe my student don't love me anymore. WELL, I'm so pitiful now. WuWuWu!"
Cathal and Felix looked at each other and then to their dramatic teacher. Ivan on the other hand felt that his plans went down the drain due to Angelica.
And he couldn't get mad at her since she genuinely wanted to talk to her students. Well he'll just endure for her sake. He still has time.