
In a burst of brilliant light, the room faded away to show a battlefield that looks like a watercolour painting. Everything was soft and hazy, the bodies of the people were faded and, though it looks as glorious as a painting should, everything felt empty.

Not a bird in the sky nor a single breath of life. Time was at a standstill and no one dared to breathe too loud, least they disturbed something.

The King remained stoic as he gazed at everything around them, he doesn't seem to be enthralled but why? Isn't this what he imagined? He was the one to bring us here, so why?

"Father? What is this?" Vaille slowly walked to him, careful not to step on the bodies that strewed across the ground.

Soft winds blew making the flags and cloths dance, strangely it didn't smell like death. Nor did it smell like a battlefield. It's just land now, littered with bodies that would never get the chance to go home to their families and loved ones.

The King held his hand out to Vaille and held it while he continued to stare, not saying a word.

"Where are we?" Lillian asked, unfamiliar with everything she saw.

"The battle against the Kingdom of Scarin," Arthur spoke, his voice barely a whisper like he couldn't believe they were there.

He stood beside Lillian, taking the scenery in, just like the King is doing.

"It was a fierce battle and many lost their lives that day, as you can see." Arthur waved his hands to the bodies. "We only came here because someone begged the king for help. Their own King was a tyrant but he had tremendous magic. No one knew where he got that kind of magic from but it was there."

"A servant managed to escape, running to the King for help and he couldn't say no. This was the day that the King died and only his body roams now. If only I hadn't agreed. If I had investigated it further. If only … Then the King wouldn't have been ruined. It's because of me." Arthur clenched his fists as regret and anger filled his body, his lips quivered and his hands trembled, looking at the King.

"You say that but he doesn't seem to think it that way," Lillian spoke, pointing to the King and Vaille.

"What makes you say that? An orphan like you wouldn't know, you weren't even here when this happened." Arthur snapped, causing Vaille to turn to them but Lillian only shook her head.

"True, I don't know much about this kingdom since I only just arrived. But emotions are still imbedded in humans whether they are from here or elsewhere. And let me tell you, that isn't the face of a ruined man."

"A child like you is supposed to understand complex emotions? Go back to playing with dolls and embroidery work." Arthur scoffed, turning from Lillian.

" 'With age comes wisdom'. That doesn't mean the older you are, the wiser you are. At times, even a child younger than you can understand more than you. Understanding, wisdom, knowledge, all these come with experience, not age." She turned to Arthur, "Don't look down on anyone, regardless of gender or age. It will come back to bite you one day."

"What are you saying you li-"

Lillian walked away from Arthur and stopped right in front of the King. "Your Majesty, may I touch your head?"

"Why? Do you think you can just ask for whatever you want just because you did this? A King letting a commoner like you touch his head, that is just impossible to ask."

Without questioning it, the King bent down for Lillian to be able to reach his head.

"Your Majesty! You can't trust her like that. What if she-"

"Keep quiet, court magician. If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it." The King frowned at Arthur and turned back to Lillian, "Go ahead."

"Your majesty!"

Lillian placed her hands on his head, a soft blue glow coming from her hands. She smiled at Vaille, calling her over.

Hesitantly, Vaille came and Lillian took her hands and placed them on top of her own while still on the King's head.

His hair is so soft. Must be careful not to mess it up.

"I will need to borrow some of your Magic, Princess. As I don't have any I can manipulate of my own, is that alright?" Lillian asked.

"Yes. Of course. Use as much as you need." Vaille answered immediately, anticipation in her face.

"Alright then." Lillian took some magic from the Princess and expanded on it, using the memory from the King.

"Done." Lillian moved away, grasping onto her trembling arm as chills spread to her body.

The King slowly raised his head and looked about him like a lost puppy.

"Lillian, what did you-" Vaille's question was cut short when they saw an army approaching.

"I knew it! This is a trap! You made those armies to take us down! We shouldn't have-" The King held his hand up as Arthur was about to summon magic to attack against Lillian.

He stared at the army that approached, walking a little closer to them. All wore armours so they were indistinguishable, except the man at the front, whose armour was different from the rest. Probably the general.

Lillian leaned against a shield embedded on the ground, feeling her strength slowly leave her.

The general stopped right in front of the King and raised his sword to him.

"Father!" Vaille cried out, rushing to his side. Arthur followed after her, getting ready to attack but then the general shouted.

"Search for any survivors!" He threw his sword down and took off his helmet.

It's the King, but he looks … different. Sure, he is as handsome as always but still … the heavy sadness in his eyes stabbed at my heart.

Is that really the King?

As the armies began scouring the battlefield to try and find something, the memory King stood and watched. He may have a stern expression but the sadness in his face is evident.

"Your majesty!" One of the knights came, holding a bundle of cloth in his arms.

The King held onto Vaille's hand, his expression became suspenseful as he watched the knight showed the bundle to the King.

"Where did you find this?" Memory King asked, looking into the bundle.

"The queen. She carried this on her back while fighting. I don't know why she would do that."

"That means that this is very precious to her. It is safer with her on the battlefield than it is anywhere else."

"So what do we do with it?" The knight asked, looking at the bundle again.

"Give it to me, and you can go back to work."

"Yes, your majesty." The knight carefully placed the bundle in the King's arms and walked away.

Vaille, Lillian, the King and Arthur watched as the King held the bundle and a soft expression came on his face.

"I'm sorry," He spoke as his eyes glistened, looking at the bundle.

They heard a faint noise coming from the bundle as it began to move. They had to stand behind the King to see the baby but Lillian couldn't find the strength to stand up, so she just watched from where she was, looking at the King's expressions.

The head of a baby appeared with beautiful burgundy locks. It looked up at the King and smiled, reaching its hand to stroke the King's face.

"I'm sorry." The King cried, pulling the baby closer to him. "I don't deserve your smile. I couldn't protect your mother. But I swear, on my honour, I will protect you even at the cost of my life." He took out the necklace he wore and placed it on the baby's neck. "I promise."

He took away the blood-soaked cloth and wrapped the baby in his cape, holding close, least she should fall from his grasp.

"There are no other survivors, your majesty." Another knight came to him.

"Alright. We will bury every one of them then leave."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Father is that?" Vaille turned to the King who had tears in his eyes again, a proper smile on his face this time.

"Yes. That was the best day of my life and I couldn't have hoped for something so perfect nor did I think I deserve this much happiness but seeing you, here with me, I regret nothing." The King pressed his hands against Vaille's cheeks, who also had begun to cry as well. "I couldn't do much for your mother and I know I don't deserve all the love you have given me. But just to be able to be your father is enough."

"Father. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Vaille cried, hugging the King. "If it weren't for you, I would never have survived. Thank you."

"Would you like to see your mother?" The King asked, wiping her face.

"If that's ok with you." Vaille smiled at him as the tears continued to roll down.

"I'll take you to see her one day."

"Ok. I'll look forward to it then, father."

It's so nice to watch them.

Lillian could feel herself becoming sentimental as she looked at the King and Vaille. Though Arthur doesn't seem to be as touched with all dark aura that came from him.

Whatever. I'll think about him later. But does that mean her wish is granted? I don't remember saying those words as I did for the Duchess.

Memory King passed Lillian, holding baby Vaille in his arms. For a second there, Lillian and baby Vaille made eye contact and she smiled brightly at her.

I envy you, kid. Lillian thought as she waved at the baby, her vision finally fading as darkness enveloped her.