
"Lillian!" Vaille burst into the room, startling Lillian awake again. She fell asleep again after crying her eyes out, exhaustion covering her body.

There were two women in maid outfits that were tidying up the room and opening the windows to let the fresh air in. They gave a shy smile to Lillian and quickly turned away.

"Are you ok?" Vaille asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I'm alright… What happened, Princess?" Lillian rubbed her eyes and yawned, taking in the layout of the room properly. It was an enormous bedroom the size of her entire house in the apartment.

Everything was a soft pastel pink colour from the bedspreads to the dressing table and walls, though it wasn't too overwhelming.

There is even a balcony with a soft breeze entering the room while the translucent curtains fluttered with it. Everything feels strangely peaceful, making her become more alert of her surroundings.

"I'm sorry, Lillian. I was so caught up with Father that we neglected you. You fainted yesterday making the illusion fade away. I panicked so much when I saw you lying motionless on the ground. Father too." Vaille clasped Lillian's hand and held it tightly.

"We had a physician called and he told us that your Vial is close to being empty. I'm so glad you woke up, you should rest. You still look so tired. I'm sorry for not noticing it last night, Lillian. I'm sorry."

"It's no problem, Princess. I'm glad I got to do something for the King and you. I will gladly do it again if you want to. It's a pretty useless form of magic, only being able to manipulate the magic of other people to do anything."

"Are you kidding? It was spectacular. Even father was impressed with you. You know that father actually didn't want you to be my Lady-in-Waiting?

"On our way to the banquet hall, I told him to give you a chance. I'm so glad he did."

"I-impressed? His Majesty? W-what did he say?"

"Well, he said, 'To get to the level of almost depleting your Vial and still not uttering a word or complain? You have a good friend by your side, Vaille.' I even got to enter Father's room and I slept beside him." Vaille held Lillian's hand to her cheek with a smile that shone so bright she almost needed sunglasses.

"Lillian, I haven't entered my father's room in eight years nor have we spoken with each other properly except on my birthday. We lived in the same palace but I have never felt so distant with him until last night and it was all because of you, Lillian. Thank you."

"I didn't do anything, Princess. How's the King now?"

"He's fine. Oh, come. You can eat breakfast then rest again, he wants to talk to you."


"The King. Who else? I will send a dress for you to wear. So you have twenty minutes to get ready." And she was out the door.

Well, it's nice to see her so energetic. I'm glad she's happy. But then that means that my job is done right? Why don't I feel a weight lifted off me as I did after I granted the Duchess's wish then?

Does this mean that there's more? I need to talk to the Old Sage. Where do I go to be alone?


Lillian jumped out of bed and ran into the marble bathroom, startled with the gold faucets and the marble all around. Even the mirror is filled with fancy flowers.

Wait, they haven't seen flowers before right? So how?

Knock. Knock.

"Excuse me, Miss. I have your dress here." An oddly familiar voice came from the behind the door, it sent chills down her spine but she couldn't understand why.

"Ah! Thank you. Please leave it there, I will get dressed on my own."

"Are you sure, Miss? I am here to help." The voice sounded so monotone and devoid of emotions.

"Yes, I'm sure. Thank you."

"Alright, Miss. I will leave it here. Please call me if you need anything."

"Sure." Lillian listened until the footsteps were out of the room and the door closed behind her.

There's something so off about that person. Ugh. I have too much to worry about right now. I'll think about this later. Now, to call the Sage.

Lillian closed her eyes and steadied her breath looking for that connection with the Old Sage again. It's never hard to find but for some reason … she couldn't grab the connection. No matter how hard she tried, it felt like trying to grab air.

"What the hell was that?" Lillian murmured, running her hands through her hair. She leaned against the counter and looked at her reflection. Her hair had been done in a loose braid and she wore a white nightgown.

Pale skin.

Straight, ash brown hair.

A child of fifteen or sixteen years.

Pretty. But … looks too much like mother.

This isn't me. Maybe that's why I couldn't form the connection? Because I'm just the spirit in a makeshift body. I'll need to talk more with Jasmine about this later. Even about the Vial. I'm sure I didn't have one so what are they talking about?

"Uggghhhh." Lillian pulled at her hair, frustrations building up and she just had to see that woman in her dreams too. "Fine. I need to get ready first. Then I'll think of it all later. It's fine. It's fine. Don't worry. It's fine."

No matter how much she repeated those words, she couldn't feel relaxed.

Even at the table, she could only reply with a few words. Her body was on the edge, jumping at every sound and her heart wouldn't stop beating.

What if something happens? Something bad is definitely going to happen. The past few days have been too peaceful, something bad is on its way.

What about Jasmine? Is she ok? And the King? What if-


"Ah? Princess. What is it?"

"I have been calling you several times already? Are you ok? Perhaps you need more rest."

"No. I'm fine. Don't worry about me, Princess, Your Majesty." Lillian tried to smile but she wasn't fooling either of them. "Alright, I am a little bit tired just a little bit."

"Ok then, I will not keep you any longer than I need to, Lillian." The King said, smiling at her.

I need to invent a voice recorder and make him say my name. It will be a treasure for years to come.

"Is there something important you need to talk with to Lillian, Father?"

"Yes. I do not wish for her to be your Lady-in-Waiting."

"Father! You said that you trust her now! What are you doubting her for?" Vaille stood up, raising her voice to the King who merely raised his hand.

"I have not finished. Lillian, is it true that you are an orphan?"

"Yes, your Majesty. I know I am unfit to stay by the Princess's side because of my background but I promise to try my hardest and work to improve so that I do not bring shame to anyone in this castle, especially you and the Princess."

"Lillian. Y-you don't have to go so far. I don't mind you as just my companion. You will never shame me. Did someone say something to you?"

"No Princess. I thought about it. So I will work hard to gain the King's trust, no matter how difficult it may be. I am up for it, so please permit me to be by the Princess's side." Lillian stood up and bowed to the King.

"Why do you care so much from the Princess? From what I heard, you haven't known each other for long."

Lillian glanced at the Princess, sick with anxiety and smiled, "I had a sister, lovelier than anything that existed in this world. Sadly, I lost her because of her frail health. I see a bit of her in the Princess and I can't help but feel protective of her. Pardon me if I am stepping out of line. This is all selfish whims of mine. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, Princess."

"No. Lillian. It's ok to be selfish like this. There were no bad intentions towards me in the first place coming from you. Father. Even you know this. Why are you questioning her how?!" Vaille began weeping, startling everyone in the room.

"Princess Vaille. Don't cry. I-"

"Good. That settles it." The King spoke, kindly smiling at the two girls. "I am sorry for making you cry, Vaille. But I needed to see something first and I have come to a decision."

Now the King is standing from his seat as well, "Lillian will not be the Princess's Lady-in-Waiting."


He held up his hand again, silencing her.

"I will be adopting Lillian as my daughter. She will be the first Princess of this Kingdom, my daughter to inherit the crown when I die."
