No, Thank You.

"No!" Lillian blurt out before she could stop herself, biting the inner corner of her lip as her mind became blank.


"I mean … I can't be adopted by you, Your Highness. I am merely a commoner. I'm hardly suitable to have the title of princess. Let alone crown princess. You're joking, aren't you?"

"Do you hate the thought of becoming my daughter that much?" He asked eyebrow raised.

"Yes!" Lillian clenched her teeth as soon as those words escaped her lips, sucking in a breath.

"Why is that?" Sappier rested his head in his hands, looking at her rather sceptically.

Vaille sat back on her chair, watching both of them with keen interest.

"Your majesty, you aren't an idiot." Lillian began.

"I should think I know that much about myself."

"I don't mean it in a way to insult you, Your Majesty. I do hope you will pardon me for my usage of words, after all, I am only a low born COMMONER with no understanding of the PALACE or its court and RULES."

"You are smart. I'm sure you will catch on in no time." Sappire dismissed that excuse with a few words, stroking Lillian's ego.

"Y-you think I'm smart?" Lillian felt a blush creep up her face but she shook her head, trying to concentrate again. "What I MEANT is that I appreciate your flattery, your majesty but I KNOW that I'm not suitable for this."

"You haven't tried it yet, how can you be so sure?"

"Well …" Lillian's eyes darted around the room, looking for another excuse. Her eyes landed on Vaille, who was listening while eating elegantly.

"What about the Princess?" Lillian bit the insides of her cheek to stop from smiling.

There's no way he can say anything about that. Right?

"What about the princess?"

"Well, she is older than me and, rightfully, next in line for the throne. She's also been preparing for that every day. A random commoner like me shouldn't be given this extraordinary opportunity."

"My judgments have never been wrong. And what I intend is to divide up my kingdom between the both of you. As you can see, I have a kingdom larger than most. There will be no problem splitting it between you two." He said, smiling.

Lillian swallowed hard, trying not to let his smile cloud her vision so she quickly turned to the Princess.

"Princess! What is your opinion on all this?" Lillian asked, her voice cracking.

"I don't mind." She said, smiling pleasantly, "The kingdom is too large to rule alone and I like you so I don't mind if you become my sister."

"Seriously? We met only a couple of days ago, and your Majesty, we have only met last night." Lillian sighed, rubbing her forehead, "Both of you really need to learn not to trust someone so recklessly and please don't say anything else."

"I don't see why you would be so against this, Lillian." Sappire stood up from his chair and stood at the opposite of Lillian across the table. They just stood there, staring at each other.

Lillian's facial expression was stern and firm but her mind wasn't working anymore. Ever since he said her name she thought she was going to collapse.

No! Don't give up now. I've been trained for situations like this! I'll be fine! But …

Why is he so damn attractive?!?! I want to cry.

"Are you alright, Lillian? Your eyes are becoming red and glossy."

It's all because of you and your damn attractiveness! Spare some beauty for the rest of us won't ya?! Selfish. All Kings are just selfish.

"It's nothing, your Majesty." Lillian pulled away from the staring contest and rubbed her eyes. "I am just overwhelmed. I thank you for your kind gesture but I will have to decline, your Majesty."

"What is it that you wish to do then, Lillian?" Sappire took a loaf of bread and broke a piece, eating it. "I assumed that you wanted a high position that's why you did so much for my daughter."

Say my name ONE more time and I will really start crying. You don't want a crying child this early in the morning.

Says the twenty-five year old. This is the best she can come up with.

"So much for the princess? Your Majesty, I haven't done anything. Aren't you being a little too generous?" Lillian twitched.

"There is no need to be modest, my daughter told me everything last night. You have been doing a lot and even almost depleting your mana just for that vision. What higher honour can I bestow on you except to name you my successor? Isn't that what you want?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at Lillian.

"Doing a lot?" Lillian slowly began to lose her temper, "Your Majesty, I am not 'doing a lot'. I am doing only what should belong to the Princess already. Attention, care, a listening ear, comfort. Those should all belong to a child already."

"But you are a child yourself. How would you understand this to this level?"

He's testing me that's for sure. He's definitely testing me. Everything is too suspicious and he is still very suspicious of me. He's trying to see how and when I will crack.

Sly, your Highness. Very sly but I am not as dumb as I look, unfortunately.

"I lost my parents at a young age and had to learn the ways of the world very early on. Just to be alive today, I had to do a lot of things I'm not proud of. Experience is the teacher, not age." Lillian answered, mirroring his smile from before.

Ha! Take that! I am a gifted overthinker, it is what I do best.

"You are very right, Lillian. It seems I made you angry and I apologise for that." He walked back to his chair and sat down.

"Not really, Your Majesty. I am glad I got to have this conversation with you. So you will retract your offer, right?" Lillian also sat down, calming down.


"Your majesty." Lillian began, exasperated.

"The offer is still there but just like I told, Vaille, it is your choice. I wouldn't mind having another daughter and I mean it."

He said her name. In front of me. What does he actually think of me?

"Thank you, your majesty. But I am fine just being allowed to stay by the Princess's side and watching her grow."

Why did you say that last part, Lillian?! You're going to have to go soon! Idiot!

"If you are with her then I'm sure she will make an excellent ruler after me."

Is he being sarcastic or … what?

"I do hope we can stop the discussion here." Vaille finally spoke up, "Father, that was so mean of you to test Lillian like that. She is a selfless person, she wouldn't want to become the princess, because she doesn't want the throne."

Well, you're not wrong Princess but not entirely. If I become the princess and he becomes my father all my chances of snatching him are going to disappear.

Oh, and I may not be able to leave … I guess.

"What we should do is make her the Royal Magician. Right, Lillian?"

"I humbly decline." She answered in a split second without looking up, while she drank the soup … broth.

"Why? Your magic is amazing."

"You already have a very devoted magician in the court, Arthur I believe? That position is pretty much filled."

"Then? You will just be my Lady in Waiting?"

"Yes. You are my priority, Princess. Otherwise, do you not wish for me to be your Lady in Waiting?"

"I do, Lillian, so much. But it will be such a shame if that's all you become in the end."

"I don't want to be anything more, Princess."

Also, it's easier to be around you both so that I can understand the meaning behind the wish the Princess made. It should be granted by now but nothing is happening just yet.

Wait, they said that I was the Fairy Godmother that specializes in Love in chapter three. What does this have to do with love?

You know what? Never mind. I'll just ignore everything and go with it. Whatever.

"What do you think, Lillian?"


"Brilliant! I'm so glad you agreed." Vaille smiled broadly at Lillian. "I will be accompanying you too, so it should be all fine."


I said yes out loud by mistake. What did I just agree to?

"I will be seeing you in the meeting then, Lillian. Please enjoy the rest of breakfast, I have some other words to attend to." The King got up and walked out of the room, graceful as ever.

"Lillian~. I am so happy for you. To be honest, I was worried that you would refuse again. Oh, I should go prepare proper attire for you. Please excuse me."

And she was out the door too, leaving Lillian confused as well as scared.

What the -?