Mending Some Loose Ends

"You were right."

"Did you think I would lie or something, Rose?" Aurora asked, leaning against the gate.

They are standing in front of the Old Sage and Rose could feel the same air coming from the Old Sage that filled the entire Kingdom. 

"The Old Sage wouldn't do anything like this," Rose said. 

"It doesn't seem to be coming from the Old Sage," Aurora said, touching the trunk of the tree. "Well, not directly anyway." 

"The only one I know that has a very strong connection with the Old Sage would be Lillian but she isn't here either," Rose said, looking at the majestic tree. Completely unaffected by what had happened the night before. 

"Lillian?" Aurora asked, looking at Rose. "Is she that-"

"Yes. The strangest Fairy Godmother to ever appear." Rose sighed. "I don't understand what happened." 

"You should contact her." Aurora said, "Maybe something happened to her."