Michel Cueck

Knock. Knock. 

"Come in," Rose called, looking through the letters she wrote before she sent them. 

"Rose~" Aurora called as soon as she came in through the door with Margaret in tow. 

"Duchess." Rose quickly went to her, "Are you done resting?"

"Yes," Margaret answered with a contented smile on her face. The darkness that seemed to weigh her down disappeared. "Your friend is amazing at massages. I felt all the previous tension roll off my body." 

"I am glad for that," Rose said, glaring at Aurora as soon as the Duchess walked to the table. "What did you do?"

"I have magic hands," Aurora said, grinning. "I can show you what I did if you want." 

"No, thank you, I would rather risk death," Rose answered, crossing her hands over her chest. 

She couldn't help but smile at seeing the Duchess calmly read the letters she wrote, not panic and start running around in a desperate attempt to remain busy.