Curiouser and Curiouser

"Finally." Lillian signed, "There was a lot of exposition in the last chapter, don't you think so?"

"Last chapter?" Arthur raised an eyebrow, "Are you feeling alright, Lillian?" 

"I am. Just ignore me for now." She said brushing him off. "Why did it turn red? What did the Princess mean by what she said? What made you realize that you were a coward?"

"That is too many questions. I will answer one at a time." He said with a chuckle. He is treating her like she is a child and Lillian does not appreciate that one bit.

"Ok." She said, keeping her cool. "Go ahead." 

"First, you need to know this, my mother was the queen of this kingdom. There was an attack in the palace and she along with me, were taken away." He began looking away from Lillian, thankfully. 

She didn't know how to act surprised to save her life but she is good at changing the tone of her voice so she could say nonsense like, "Oh no. Were you and your mother alright?"