Uncle and Niece

"You said that you will call my name," Roman said, looking at her with a smile. "Go ahead. Or are you afraid?" 

"Afraid? Me?" She scoffed. "Why would I be afraid of saying your name? I can say it." 

"Then go ahead." 

"I will." She huffed. "Roooman. There I said it."

"I could barely hear it. What was that?" he asked, leaning closer to her and smiling as he noticed how she continue to blush. 

"You heard it already," She said, pushing him away.

"Once more, Lillian. Pleeeaaassseee." He said, putting his hands together and smiling at her. 

Lillian looked heavenward for some kind for help and looked back at him, "Roman." 

"Yes, Lillian?" He asked, smirking at her as she felt her heart burst. 

"Stop. Stop." She quickly buried her face in her hands. "You are too attractive, it isn't fair. Ok. Now answer my question."