Fawn Michavich

Lillian walked out of the palace, surrounded by guards on all angles and a little bit of annoyance in her expression. 

"What is all this?" She asked, frowning. "I can't even see where I am walking to." 

"We apologise for this, Saintess, but we need to make sure you are protected at all costs. We do not know what the people could be planning to harm you." One of the guards said, looking at Lillian slightly. 

She looked over at Roman who sat in the air, smiling at her. 

"This is ridiculous." She said, walking back into the palace as they broke away. 

"But, Saintess." One of the guards walked to her. "We need to do this, it was the commander's orders."

"Commander? Ray." She said under her breath. "I understand wanting to protect me, maybe. But I don't understand going to these extremes. I will be fine on my own."