Engagement Party Mishap

"Why is everyone so ... quiet?" Lilian asked, looking around the room. "Was that a bad idea?" 

"Not entirely ... but yes. Something happened and Vetil and Lurais are still a little bit suspicious of each other," Ray said, putting the rest of the bread down like he could not imaging that he finished that by himself. "The people may become very ... cautious. Too cautious." 

"Did something like this happen before?" 

"Yes. It never worked out. Maybe Vetil and Lurais are now 'partners'-" Aurora raised her fingers in air quotes- "but that does not mean they will get along. No matter how hard they try, the people are too much at odds with each other." 

"Ok, wait. Let me understand this." Lillian held her hands up while pinching the bridge of her nose. "The two kingdoms, Lurais and Vetil are ... powerful kingdoms but in very different ways. Right?" 

"Yes. Vetil is more of the magic and Lurais is brute strength."