The monkey mess

Zachariah was still in his Field trip and he got an alert on his phone saying 24 Monkeys just stole from a mansion. Zachariah made another excuse to go to the bathroom and this time he hid behind a rock and said galax fangs up and when wolf noir got there he saw a panther superhero and the rest of his team. Linex was using his pride roar and it did not work on the monkeys. Elle and did her rampage and the monkeys fell into the big hole but they just climbed out of it. Viperanion can talk to snakes and he said for the snake to get all of the stolen items and bring it back here but when the monkeys saw the snake they hit it with a gold pot and the got knocked out. The panther guy was so fast the he grabbed all of the stolen items. And all the monkeys ran away. After they returned all the stolen items wolf noir asked if the panther guy would want to join his team. He said yes then wolf noir asked what his superhero name was and he said pantheren. Ps pantheren is Zachariahs friend and class mate.Next time on The adventures of Zachariah and galax.