The school fight

Zachariah was at school and he was eating his lunch and then 5 people broke into the school and were firing guns. Zachariah went to go hide and when there was no one around and said galax fangs up. And when he got done wolf noir saw linex beating one up and viperanion found a snake class pet and got the snake to bite a person till they got knocked out. Elle used her rampage and all the guns broke pantheren used his iron bite to rip off there bullet Proof vest then wolf noir found a rope on the roof of the. Cafeteria so he had to jump and he got it a and tied up fourth the bad guys wolf noir used his sword to trap the other one. And then 2 minutes later the police came and took care of the criminals and Wolf noir Hid again and then when he came out of his hiding spot he said Galax fangs off and then he was able to go home because of the criminals coming to the school they were afraid that more would come so he got to go home early. Next time on the adventures of Zachariah and Galax.