|Con Lake|
I look at Thor who is butt naked being chased by a snake as his hands are shoulder high trembling as he runs.
His being my experiment I created gravity and weight runes for training. Well, he is having it all now.
I also create one for me as I see him not having negative effects. Maybe a perk from being Asgardian. I know that gravity also affected our cells and blood so low blood pressure is common to happen if I am an ordinary human.
I am in a horse stand already for 2 hours bearing 100KG on each wrist, 300KG on each ankle and 500KG on my waist. Having 1.5G acting upon me.
Well, I am still making training my fingers for better dexterity as each one has weighted rings.
It's for better pickpocketing. Well, a skill needed when I start my adventure.
"Loki!! How long will I do this‽" Thor yelled, as he runs around the lake.
"Ohh!! I forgot!" I said, then increasing the weight on his ankle and hands.
Thor tripped on his own feet. The snake bit him in the butt as he groans in pain and proceeds to stand up slowly.
"I hate you Loki!!" He yelled as I laugh hard as my stomach start to cramping and weakening me as my hands trembled as I try to stop laughing.
"Use your lightning abilities to stimulate your muscles, Oaf!" I yelled after thinking about it as I didn't see him in the MCU did that. A raikage Thor, tears slowly being form in my eyes as I hold back the laughter.
I can see him make sparks in his thighs. Slowly he fastens, then tripping again and again as he adjusts to it.
I turn around as my training is being disrupted.
After clearing all the thoughts I increased the weight on me and shifted my focus on controlling energies and my magic.
Like on the avatar, I try the concept of bending art. To flow the energy faster and better with my mind.
Feeding more energy to a spell. Creating a vacuum of time in a bigger area. I do it constantly as I train my body. I fasten the process of my muscles training with time magic. My muscle endurance will be boosted a lot by this as I increased the pressure if in lessening even by a small margin.
With my hand, I am waving my two hands to do multi-casting. Explosion, after the explosion, happens outside the sphere of time.
I didn't neglect to increase Thor's pressure.
He starts to have a better grasp of his lightning. Surely, he is a great monster but way to confident to put more work in it.
I wonder how beautiful one-sama is. I start to wonder as I lick my lips.
"Arggghhh!! Loki! Stop!"
I snap out of it and look at him. I saw his blasted out of his life as the snake has also fainted.
"Welp, let them rest for some time."
I hit them with a healing wave and let them be.
I need to master my illusion to make it bear more damage as they are way too fragile. Just imagine this, Thanos came then I snap my finger I multiplied to 1 million. Kukuku! Feel the pain!
"Mother, I want can you help me master my illusion? It pops out a way too early and they are so fragile. I love that they can inflict the same damage of my physical strength but they can't copy my abilities even my staff they can't manipulate," I ask mother as she is the one that taught me magic and illusion.
"Why do you need your illusion to be strong? Are you using them for one attack only and shifting to illusion dimension?"
I nodded.
"But if they are stronger I can sneak attack enemies or bait them as I mock them or imagine fighting a legion of me. I want to do that!" I said.
She looks at me amused.
"Well, if you want that then learn to control the Illusion then visit that place again," she said, she walks out of the library.
Well, that is fucked up. Feeling the creeps of the past experience.
"Be the illusion itself," I said, as I stare at myself from the reflection in the mirror.
I need to do it as it is very important to my skillsets.
But first, I need the permission of mother and food ration for my adventure!
"Mother, I seek your permission to allow me to go roam the Illusion realm," I said as I bow down.
"Not for now my dear, I know you are excellent in magic but you are still a child. I want you too learn for at least 10 more years then battle Heimdall. If you manage to hit him once then I will allow you, okay?" she sits squat down to make her face at the same level as mine as I am only her chest level.
"Yes, mother! I will defeat the pervert and receive your permission!" I proclaim and run out to call Thor to resume our tor-train.
2 years pass and I am still not early other magic beside the elements. I wish to learn those hexes of warlocks but I need to focus on my body training as I need to go in the Illusion Dimension.
"Now, I want an excellent fight! Bring your all!" The Big Oaf said.
I wave my staff as wind burst forth. My black hair is style like Superman's but look sharper.
Thor is now wielding Mjølnir but he still doesn't have it's full power as Odin only permits him to wield it without its Divine Energy. Well, as he now has his main weapon then I need to also use my staff to the fullest.
I didn't wait for my father's word as I send a fireball with my front kick and following it as a cover.
Upon, impact Thor smash it as he was shocked by my appearance behind the fireball. I strike him with a wide swipe.
My staff becomes bigger as it collides with Mjølnir. Swiping him to the left 5 meters far.
"There is now Go in a real fight," I said as I put my staff in my shoulder and tilt my head 'asking what?'
Thor slowly charges up.
Lightning current surrounded him like Raikage but he is hotter.
He charges toward me like a sports car without using Mjølnir.
That is why I didn't want him to be so used to Mjølnir. He will become dependent on it. I want him to fight at his best even without it.
"Fight!!!" Thor yelled as he appears in front of me.
"Kukuku!!" Like a typical villain.
I dodge him and do a roundhouse kick but with my foot covered in a shard of ice.
Thor is sent toward the wall.
Then a lightning bolt zooms into me.
I dodge it with sidestep as 3 more came but I just spin my staff a large golden circle shield appears in front of me. The same shield use by Kamar-Taj Monks.
Thor flies in, using his hammer I dodge it.
I need to make him learn how to fly without using that hammer. As its maneuver is non-existent.
I jumped and bring my staff down toward Thor, I enlarge to a tree trunk size.
Thor spins his hammer fast and strikes my staff up. Well, it's bendable, I spin it in a circle following the bend and striking him again with his strike added to the force.
He was brought down.
He stares at me with a chilling gaze.
"Brother, I don't swing that way," I said covering my butt.
"Round Two!"
He lifted his hammer up.
Well, If the MCU only calls for lighting. My brother now can conjure thunderstorms.
"Nice! This will be more fun!" I yelled, as thunderstruck him first and boosted him. Lightning rain down into the arena.
"Make it rain!" I yelled as droplets come pouring out and wind strengthen.
My body seems to become a mirage as I cast Air Magic, Wind is the air in motion. Making a sphere of the domain for me.
Thor flashes in my domain as he smashes it toward me. Once he steps inside the sphere I can predict his movement.
I dodge to the left, as I send a sideways knee to his guts.
It connects but also his punch that I didn't see. Spinning to the left to follow the force of the punch and also minimize the power of it and using the spin for an upward swipe.
I knock him up but he charges his hammer as a thunderstruck him. Then smashing it on the floor. The land is lifted up but I dodge inside the dimension bringing 3 more of me out.
We strike at the same time at different places but Thor spin using his hammer.
Slowly the hammer is in front of me. I again pop-into the dimension bringing 7 more.
Making his hammer spin in his hands as it shot out bolts. I swipe my staff at him and him dodging it by flying out.
I aim my staff as it grows toward him.
Only massive grip and strength is I need to control a big ass staff.
I stop it and sits down. Waiting for Thor to go down.
Upon landing, he is lying breathing heavily.
We look at the ruined arena and fist bumps.