In a yellow world a young man is standing with closed eyes seems waiting for someone.
Series of steps came as more and more copy of him holding his [Star Destroyer] came with uniform action. Like an army, who are ready to fight, just waiting for the sound of the horn of Battle.
""""You wish to conquer the land of Illusion, then prepare to experience the horror!! RAAAAHHHH!!""""
Their voices echoes as all of them yells out. Then their posture engage into fierce charge. As the land seems to vibrate from excitement.
Loki open his eyes and smirks, he put [Star Destroyer] onto his shoulder and it transform into a rocket launcher. Continues bombardment of red energy came out upon contact it triggers a violent explosions harvesting numerous copies.
He did various changes with his weapon to slowdown their advance but this place doesn't have direction you can be at the center without knowing you are already surrounded.
"Minor Location displacement? This will become pain in the arse as this continues," Loki said as he smash copies as he scratched his back with his stick.
Loki vanish for a second and 4 of him appear with machine guns blazing the legions. Then vanishing again after he noticed that his illusion is losing control. Adding more of him to fight. He did it again and again as he fight slowly laying down a array of runes in every illusion upon reaching his max of 1000 illusion he make them rush into enemies' rank and blow up themselves.
But as he reduce them more and more the illusion become more real and real as they wield his weapon more powerful and intelligent as his strategy seems slowly getting countered as they also do it but less powerful as Illusion Energy doesn't mix well with Fire Energy that he store into his battery rings.
[Energy Battery Ring: 10 Flaws]
Material: 10 Flaws
Enchantment: Flawless
A ring that can contain only one type of energy in a pocket dimension that is isolated.
Maximum Capacity of 20 Gigawatts/2.5 Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (TEPCO) Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Japan that produce 7.965 Gigawatts. 1 Megawatt can power 1,000 homes.
Flaw #1: Material isn't best.
Flaw #2: Huge pool of energy is being consumed to maintain the pocket dimension. 1 MW/Day
Onto his hands are 10 Rings of different colors. Fire x2, Earth, wind, water, space-time x2, lightning.
Divine, that his mother give him.
Mind Energy, for him to stay sane as Frigga said that time may become twisted. The rings aren't made of Uru but Gold and other alloys he can ask from his mother without attracting Odin's attention.
Two of his fire ring can conjure ten thousands of [Explosive Bomb].
During his battle some copy will sneak into his formation as he create more clones and it disrupt his rhythm and strategy.
Hours, days, weeks, months, and years pass with him inside but he keep the battle in fire as the war of clones only just begun as copy of different people start to appear and it cause chaos at first only human that came from his past world appear as familiar people engaged into the battle of supremacy to control the realm.
Loki's whole body is covered by pinkish thin coating keeping him sane from this lasting battle but this pays-off rather well as he look into his navel where a more visible yellow rune is carved on his flesh.
His capacity to create more clones become bigger and bigger the battle become more chaotic but his enemy didn't ran out of surprise as copy of Thor start to appear also.
"Come on Oaf!!!" He yelled to highten his own moral. Explosion start to occur again as he use the yellow energy to power it with some red in mix that seems to dilute the power but it still gives power than pure ludērē energy (illusion).
Then his nightmare just start to happen, the land itself become his enemy as he suddenly been displace into midst of his enemy.
"Ohh, yeah... That is what I am looking for," he said as he survey his surrounding filled with Thor clones. Their yellow color is slowly being replaced by real image of him and Loki.
"Phase 2!"
He tap into his lightning ring, as he ask for his brother's help to fill the ring of lightning energy that he unconsciously draw into his body after Loki train him to control the energy more than his movie counterpart that is more focus on Mjølnir.
His figure clad with lightning current surrounded by Thor clones brought his body down with 3 of his limbs in the floor and one hand holding [Star Destroyer] that is in Halberd Form ready to slaughter.
He charge ahead, countering the location displacement as he didn't stop his massive momentum charge like cavalry's mowing down infantries. The land is filled with bluish fading dust as he devastate his enemy but it didn't take long as his enemy also start to employ his tactics, Loki and Thor clones start to rush to him with blinding speed that make him dodge and disengage as yellow dust shines in the land that is slowly gaining colors.
[Illusion Realm: 20%]
Occasional invisible attack came and pass as his pink thin membrane of defense starts to flicker out.
Then his slip of attention become his horror as 3 afterimage slam into him throwing him down into a pit of unknown as hand reach into him.
He close his eyes and sensory as he just start to trust his instinct. He can't concentrate to create a portal to leave as these hands are the strike of clones as he hallucinate. Dodging and twisting occasional strike but damage continue to build up.
But he didn't give up and leave as he see his progress start to fasten.
"If I experience it the faster I can assimilate to me," he said and endure the torture of clashing weapons. Continues for unknown length of time.
Unknown to him, his instinct is doing all the work as his consciousness drifted into the darkness embracing it whole heartedly for a very long time.
The feeling of falling disappear and replace by heavy and heated.
He open his eyes and observe his place as image of Asgardian waging war onto him as he wreck havock into the world of God's. Fallen bodies of civilian and warriors alike are dismembered. Afar is his family with Hela, charging into him. His mother flying as she bombarded him with spells.
Tornado and thunderbolt came striking down.
Loki just shake his head and dodge every attack, spear and sword piercing into his body but he just smiles and continues to dodge. He know once a part of his mind reacted to his wounds he will die.
Then a wake up call appear.
'Son, you need to rest now and prepare after a week your father will send you out with Thor,' Frigga send him a message. Loki touch his bracelet and nodded. A blue portal appear as he ignore his wounds.
He appear into his roam covered with wounds but he didn't mind them and stood there looking at the portal where at the other side just waited for his action.
He close the portal as he close it weapon that pierce him and broke down and fades. Wounds disappear and torn clothes also become once a new.
"Ha!! It sure is tiresome," he said as he sit on his bed.