
[Dimension Link: Absolute]

Mastery: 20%

  Due to the Ritual of Trinity Moon, harnessing Dimensional Magic is almost nature but using them to full capacity isn't.

  You can now draw energy from different dimensions after having basic contact with it. Advance Natural Space Rift Navigation is also learned.


"So this is the mysterious ability of all Loki's, how he appears at the very least thinkable place he can reach, I'm mostly thankful of her for unlocking that teddy bear," Loki said, as he closes his eyes and focuses on his navel where a silent Black Mana Core is sleeping.

"I don't know why he did it but I will know someday, for now, I will keep it to myself."

On fluffy, they fly toward the nearest rebel settlement of Trolls.

"Let's have some fun, and also train these weak fools, they will be lucky to return alive in the full piece, Kukukuku!!!"

Loki felt freer as he now knows what he is missing and also retrieve it.

"Fuck you father!" he yelled during deep the night.

Upon arriving on the settlement that is only a mile away from the 3 fools.

Loki is eating his dinner on fluffy as he hovers above the tribe.

"This fruit taste like orange, I like it, maybe I will ask mother for me to have a personal chef and describe all my favorite food for him to replicate," he said as each head of trolls below is being labeled base on capability. Green, orange and white is for the non-fighting troll and Red, Black for warriors, captains, and tribe leader.

After having his dinner he lied down and dozed off.

In the early morning, Loki slowly goes down and transform into Hogun, wielding his dagger and created one illusion for Frandal copy on his most mocking smile.

First, he got into the tribe leader's hut and make him asleep with a spell. Creating a chain with his spell and tie him like a Japanese Porn Actress on BSDM Movie

He dragged him out silently not using magic as it will be not fun sneaking around the place. He also did it with 2 captains and 5 female partners of the cruelest troll in the settlement.

On the road only 100 meters away from the nearest hut is the 8 trolls tied up in a very embarrassing and lewd but disgusting position.

"Yuck!! Only Zeus can stomach making love with a trolless," he finishes tying them firmly. Created 3 more clones to act as the 3 fools. He jumps on fluffy and flies up after cutting the connection with the clones and only to operate on the programmed commands.

At the forest, a gray skin tone, 9 feet tall, bloated body for a male troll who have scars and muscled sexy body like a female bodybuilder is tied up revealing and embarrassingly, lifted up the group on the trunk of large trees.

Frandal or a copy of him suddenly smash a horsewhip on the tribe leader's leg, with his feet tied on his neck. His horse like 3rd leg swaying with the wind fully exposed.

"Haha!!" Frandal laughs sharply as he lashes out, together with Hogun and Volstagg they ganged the leader.


The leader woke up and struggle to free himself.


They just continue to gang him up once other trolls wake-up they also lash on them until echoing laughter and screams of anger filled the forest.

At the tribe, the trolls are under great unrest as 8 important individuals are missing. Trolls start to look for them only to hear loud laughter and waves of anger.

All the warriors rally toward them. Like a stamped is on coming as Earth trembles under the collective charge of 1000 warriors.

Upon arriving they see the missing trolls tied-up and being tortured. Anger filled their mind as they charge at the 3 fools. The copies only laugh louder and run toward the group of three who is relaxing on a lake only a miles away.

During the pursuit, Loki killed the leader and some captains that the three can't handle only leaving a dozen trolls capable of bashing them down.

Hogun felt the trembling and shivered.


He starts running toward the forest followed by the two.

"What is it?" Frandal ask.


Hogun tossed chains and metal chord that he sees Loki used when he traps them in a pit hole. They will serve as snares to impair the rushing charge for some time.

"At last! I can prove myself!" Frandal yelled attempting to turn around but Volstagg suddenly picked him up and put him on his shoulders.

"Can we escape?" Volstagg ask Hogun as Frandal struggles to escape his clutches.

"No, they are to fast. If we can jump at the top of the trees it will help to resist them longer. Based on my assumption they are thousand or less."

Frandal stop on struggling and just look at the charging trolls.

"Is that us?" he asks with a deep confusion as he stares at the grinning 3 copies of them.

"What?!" Hogun yelled and peek behind him and it makes him pale as his copy wave it's hand to him. From the Trolls view the real doesn't exist only the 3 copy is seen in front of them.

"Shit Loki!! That bastard!!" Hogun shouted at the top of his lungs, with anger and desperation.

Axes are being thrown at the clones but they dodge, Hogun seems to relieved as they aren't targeting them, but when they change the direction the clones just follows them.

"Fuck!! What now‽" Hogun yelled and the Frandal Clone got close at the real one and jumped at him. This starts the battle. As axe starts to be thrown at him as the clone vanish.

"Don't make contact with those!" Hogun yelled, with Volstagg tossing Frandal in front as Axe is being thrown to him.

He just laughs heartily as he runs faster, enjoying the suffering they are having.

"I can see a big rock, maybe we can use that to at the top of the trees," Frandal said as he breathes heavily as he dodges and parries axes.

"Go! Go!!"

Hogun thrown climbing chains, Hogun and Volstagg first got up making Frandal fending off the trolls that manage to make it near them.

Dismembered body parts fly as he pierces and cut trolls as he moves around the massive tree trunk using the roots as distraction and foothold but trolls are more used to them, injuries start to appear in his body but his time to escape came.


Once he heard it he took the chain at his hand and tie it on his waist while one handhold firmly. The two pulled him up fast as axes trailing Frandal is getting more and more dangerous.

It only took them 5 seconds to lift him up 50 meters up at the top of the trees that seems another world to them as the tree serves as a new land, their flowers and other winged creature live.

"Hahaha! Fantastic! I'm gonna miss that feeling," Frandal said as he lies on the leaves.

"Nope, there are coming, better cut them down to make our mission easier," Hogun replied as he looks at the trolls climbing the trees very fast.

Volstagg suddenly jumped and cuts numerous branches making him a manageable platform to maneuver around.

Hugon creates choke points with his chains and wires while Frandal just dumbly stood waiting to fight with a wide grin.

Hogun just shook his head as Volstagg laugh loudly.

"For Asgard!!" Volstagg yelled lifting his battle axe up.

""For Aesir!!""

The battle started with them killing the nearest troll that manages to climb up. One thing about trolls that is menacing is their berserk tendency when triggered they will not rest until they are dead or their enemy is dead.

Troll's eyes shine like rubies as they focus on the 3 idiots.

An hour passed but trolls didn't stop the fight others climb farther trees for them to not get blocked and ambush. With the three starting to tire-out they become more gloomy as they didn't receive any help from anyone.

Relying on themself they fight off the thousand berserk trolls.

"It's my honour to die with you two," Hogun said with a displeased smile. Their shoulders barely holding up, hands trembling from the fatigue and their blurry sight making it tougher to fight.

Only one being didn't want to end his entertainment. A green wave of energy flows into the three.

"Fucking bastard," they said at the same time.

The fight becomes a cycle, once they are close to death a wave of energy will bring them back to the half-tired state. Their wounds closing but scar stays.

They just endure the bitter fight.

Only to end at the trolls annihilation but also the 3 fools broken pride and honour.