We are on the boat...

Yeah, I am part of the Bait. I plan it to be as I need to meet them personally. I want them singing charmer that even the sanest people are afraid and crazy to jump off a boat.

The boat was filled with gloomy atmosphere as he rowed deeper into their nest. I can hear my mates gulping in fear and anticipation.

"Sing..." the mummified said but we didn't do anything and look far away.

"Sing!!" He yelled and everyone got their focus back on the mission.

Strumming the small string instruments on his hand.

"Upon once summer morning...." He sang in remorse and sadness like a funeral ritual is happening.

" I carefully did stray....

Down by the Walls of Wapping

Where I met a sailor gay...."


The atmosphere becomes tenser as everyone looks at each other and joins the bard. It was in disharmony making the song unemotional and impure from the earlier.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid

I disdain all glittering gold

There is nothing can console me

But my jolly sailor bold....."

Then I can feel rage below my feet. The water is vibrating in a low pitch of voice. I can feel contempt and disgust from the creature upon of deep ocean.

"His hair it hangs in ringlets

His eyes as black as coal

My happiness attend him

Wherever he may go..."

Then splash of wave and reflecting light came from the side of the boat. A beauty of danger came out of the water. Her face has a pale countenance and her blonde and expressionless face stare at us and mostly to the bard.

"Many a pretty blooming

Young girl we did behold

Reclining on the bosom

Of her jolly sailor bold..."

He continues to sing with disregard for his life. This was his passion for life. I can feel it and it strikes me deep. Simple things can affect others a lot.

"My name it is Maria

A merchant's daughter fair

And I have left my parents

And three thousand pounds a year..."

The mermaid then put her face by the boat and look at his eyes. I would love to see this become a fairytale somehow.

"Come all you pretty fair maids

Whoever you may be

Who love a jolly sailor

That plows the raging sea...."

I just enjoy the melody they created. Her waiting and charming voice pull us near her heart and also her teeth. The music also did affect me minorly due to what happen recently but this gives me a chance to look behind my anger and look at reasons. I may accept her reason in mind but not in heart and spirit that I force to act due to anger and disappointment.

"While up aloft in storm

From me his absence mourn

And firmly pray arrive the day

He's never more to roam....."

Beings can't be called an intelligent life if they can't think and weigh in the risk they do every day just to live and she lives with me knowing someday. Somehow I will know it. God did give me a second chance without any rules attached but she was played by some entity for fun...

"My heart is pierced by Cupid

I disdain all glittering gold

There is nothing can console me

But my jolly sailor bold...."

Then all my decision came back to me like a rocket.

Chaos erupts around me without being conscious of it. I was dragged down on the deep water. As I sink my memory refresh itself.

'I'm being forced to become a hero... That hit me hard, from the start of the mission the very first mission made me view misery and consequence of actions and also benefit from being good and a hero but I am not a hero!! I am Edward Cage a psychopath and arsonist! I am Loki! God of Mischief!! I play by my own rule, not by other rules and restrictions! Why did I accepted the restrictions being applied to me when I am forced to be in an unknown backward world!'

I don't have a God's Ego but I have a pride that hones from thousands of years of training and grueling headaches. I Loki let that Entity restrain me in another world due to a reason I don't even sure at if ever will happen?! What if he uses this to attempt to my life!! He used Amora to access the main universe just to have fun!

As my rage reach, it's peak the dam holding the dimensions at bay came in. Supplying me with the power I didn't know if I can use it. Different types of energy cracked the blank space in my own world that it made it forcefully expand and each dimension settles on one part and becomes a building block of my own universe.

My very soul feels bloated but I can feel it slowly being digested and integrated to my very power. I can now feel this universe as a very source of energy. The dimension becomes a separate one from my homeworld as the attachment that they use to have on the stone now gone.

Each stone is a ruling governor of dimension and once someone uses it to me. It can then take a part of the dimension I am using against me but now it's impossible. All I need to do is access all dimensions I can go and create a separate inside my own.

My mind continues to wander to be stopped when I look at the teeth going for my neck.

"Woahh!! That toothsy back! I want to talk! Geezzz... Why do you feel slimier than those trash?" I said as I push the mermaid that attempted to bite me.

"I want to talk to your leader..." I said after they look at me confused. I think they do so because I am not drowning like some of my crewmates near me. I can see them struggling but ultimately die. At first, I felt helping them but it was their fate and fate isn't fair.