
The lights flickered and we all were terrified Mr. Smith Tamias' uncle said look on your wrist I saw murderer on my wrist "Only you can see your role and it would not be smart to say it allowed" Mr. Smith said, "You can also pass notes and if it drops I get to read it allowed, you also have a journal that you can say stuff about you and your role." I got a note from Prasiddhi saying "I know you are the murderer I'm the assassin." I showed a thumbs up. "Well let's get into the game." Mr. Smith said. "Ok, then we can do this," Alex said. "In this game, there is a good side and a bad side," I said in my head I'm part of the bad side. "Your goal is to eliminate the opposing side." Mr. Smith told us "Oh great." Vinny said. "When did you get here!?" I asked. "THIS IS NOT A TIME FOR THIS!!!" he screamed. "When the lights flicker some of you will fall." "Wait, WHAT!? People will die!?" Jay asked. "Good Luck! you'll need it." that was how the game started. Flick, flick... the lights flickered once flick, flick... then twice. POWER DISCONNECTED. "I didn't know that the generator spoke," Adora said. "You can hear commotion around you…" Mr. Smith said I heard a voice "Kill someone." it said "What no." I said back. "If you don't kill someone ill have no choice but to kill you." It told me. "Ok, fine." I said to it "Something is... happening…" Mr. Smith said after the first death. "Its gone silent." it did go silent though. Flick, flick... the lights flickered once Flick, flick... then twice POWER RESTORED someone screamed. we all rushed to the bathroom "Jo died from the murderer. they were drowned in the toilet. I got notes from everyone but jay saying they are evil and don't kill them.