
I have been chosen as the Dark Physic. Jo was drowned in the toilet and I thought that Liv wasn't capable of murdering people. Adam was just standing near the toilet horrified. "Discuss who may be evil." I hear from the main room. "I think Adam is evil..." Alec said. "It's time to vote to remove a player." Mr. Smith said. we all drifted into the main room. "The player who is most voted will be removed." Mr. Smith said, "Please submit a vote in the ballot box on the table." we all put our ballots in "I have received the votes and the person with the most votes is... Adam." Their twin Adora will also be removed." Mr. Smith said. "Oops." Said Zahrah. Time passes by Flick, flick... the lights flicked once. Flick, flick... then twice. I read Vinnys' role he is evil just like Liv and me. POWER DISCONNECTED. "You can hear commotion around you." "How does this work?" I heard Prasiddhi say quietly and I hear a gunshot then I hear a thud and then I hear Jay say "Well, we know how it works..." I walked over to Prasiddhi. "What happened?" I asked quietly. "I accidentally shot him." She whispered back. "OMG are you the assassin?" I whispered. "Yes but don't tell anyone," she whispered back. "I won't I'm the dark physic," I told her quietly "The what?" she asked. "The physic for the evil team," I told her "our friend group is the evil team," she said. Flick, flick... "Quick do something with the body of Jay," I said. "Ok ill be very quick." Flick, flick... POWER RESTORED. "Wait where is Jay?" Liv asked. then she burst into tears after she saw him. "Yall I need to talk to you... in private," Liv said to our friend group. "Alec died from the murderer. They were torn apart in a chair." we all rushed to the closet. "Yall are evil right?" Liv asked. "Yes, I'm the dark physic," I said. "Jay died from the assassin. They were sliced and cooked on the stove."