
"Yes, I'm the witch," I said after Liv asked if we were all evil. "Yes, I'm the scout," Vinny said. "I'm the assassin, so I'm evil as well," Prasiddhi said. and with the look on Livs' face, I could tell what is going to happen "Prasiddhi how could you." Liv said and started getting teary-eyed "It was an accident I didn't mean to I swear." Prasiddhi said. "Ok, I believe you," Liv said still teary-eyed we opened the door and Zahrah was standing right there. "Did you hear us?" Liv asked. "Yes I did and so let me tell you this I'm the clown and if you vote me I can take someone to the afterlife with me so what do you say will you vote me?" Zahrah asked. "I will vote you if you tell us who you will take with you," Liv said. "I will take Charlotte with me," Zahrah said. "We will vote you," we ran back to the main room just in time for the voting "Please submit a vote in the ballot box on the table." Mr. Smith said. "I have received the votes and the person with the most votes is... Zahrah." Mr. Smith said, "I like working like this." I whispered to Alex "The clowns laughs from the grave and Charlotte has mysteriously vanished." Mr. Smith said. "Well, she didn't lie," Liv whispered to me. "Time passes by." I sent a note to Liv asking who she was gonna kill next and she tried to send a note but it dropped and Mr. Smith read it aloud "Minji." He said. Flick, flick... the lights flickered once. Flick, flick... then twice. POWER DISCONNECTED "You can hear commotion around you." I heard a slash. "Something is... happening." I heard a scream and after that, it went completely quiet. Flick, flick... the lights flickered once. Flick, flick... then twice POWER RESTORED. We saw a blood trail and it led us to the bedroom Dvir gasped "OH MY GOD!!" Mila said shocked. this was definitely the most gruesome death she was stabbed twice on the way to the bed then stabbed 15 more times in the bed. "Minji has died from the murderer. They were murdered in their sleep