Chapter 10 (Aia's P.O.V)

"Here's some tea Miss Aia." Mrs. Yua said setting the silver tray of teacups and a tea pot on the table beside me.

"Thank you." I said and smiled.

"Would you like anything else?" She asked.

"No thank you." I said and watched her leave.

I held the teacup and realized how cute it was along with the whole set and me being me couldn't help, but smile at it. I took a drink of tea just when my phone started buzzing and I sighed. Can't I just get one...just one moment of peace to drink some tea??. I looked at my phone and it was a message from my manager Himari.

"Aia!! Director Reo of LSC Entertainment read your novel "Tears of Endearment" and he loves it!!! He wants to film a movie based on it! Come to my office tomorrow morning and we will discuss the details." Himari texted.

"Thank you so much! That is wonderful news!" I responded and went inside. I saw Mrs. Yua making some sweets and it smelled really good. I walked next to her to see what she was making.

"Mrs. Yua, what are you making?" I asked.

"I am making some danish tarts and cinnamon rolls." She said while rolling the dough and checking on the oven.

"Do you need any help?" I kindly asked.

"Oh no thank you Miss, I'm almost finished." She said.

I looked at her and knew she was working hard and even though she declined my offer to help I still wanna help her, so I went to go grab me an apron and tied up my hair and washed my hands and stood beside her.

"What should I do first?" I asked looking at the baking spot.

"Miss Aia, I really don't need any help. Please go enjoy yourself outside. It's really lovely weather." She said.

"No please I insist, let me help you." I smiled. She smiled back and showed me what to do. We stayed in the kitchen baking sweets for the rest of the day. I never got a chance to make sweets before since I had maids and butlers and parents never really paid attention to me cause of their work. I kept rolling up the cinnamon rolls and frosting them after they come out of the oven. I knew making sweets was hard work, but it was also fun!

"Miss Aia, thank you for helping me." Mrs. Yua smiled as she put the last batch of cinnamon rolls and tarts in the oven.

"You're welcome Mrs. Yua! I had so much fun making them with you!" I smiled.

"Thank you Miss Aia." She smiled.

"But I have to ask. Why did we make so much?' I asked out of curiosity.

"I wanted to make enough for you and Mister Riku and my family." She stated.

"Aw, that's so sweet, thank you so much and I'm glad I could help you make some for your family." I smiled.

"Thank you Miss Aia." She smiled back.

We then heard the door open and close and saw Riku. He looked at us with an no expression and went upstairs.

I looked at the clock and it was almost 8 p.m. We were really baking for that long!?? Wow. I told Mrs. Yua the time and helped her pack some sweets for her family before she left. After we finished packing for her family I walked her out and waved her goodbye. I watched her drove off and went back inside and saw Riku standing there. I started feeling tense and nervous by the look he was giving me. I don't know why he was giving me such a cold look. It made me even more tense.

"So how'd you do it?!" He coldy asked me putting his hands in his pockets and walking towards me as if he was on stage.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"You know what I mean!" He shouted.

"What are you talking about??!" I said.

He gave out a loud sigh while putting his hand on his forehead out of irritation.

"Your novel! How did you get your novel into one of the best writing industries!?" He asked while becoming more furious with me.

"Like how everyone else does. I worked hard to put myself where I am now." I said.

He became even more furious with me and gripped me by my shoulders.

"You came from one of the richest families and yet you said you worked hard like everyone else?!!" He screamed.

"Not everything is for free!!! I bet you never had to work hard for success! Instead you probably just played around while your dad does everything for you!" He kept shouting at me.

I looked down trying not to cry. This is the first time I've ever been yelled at by someone and hearing harsh words. Even though I don't know him that well I don't want him to see me like this. I want to just run to my room and lock myself in there, but he's blocking my way out. I don't even know why he's being like this to me when all I am is telling the truth. It's like he always wants to be right and doesn't accept the fact that he can be wrong sometimes too.

"Answer me!" He shouted again.

"I told you...I worked hard for it like everyone else. My father had nothing to do with it." I said looking away from him.

He sighed deeply and walked away in anger. I could tell he wasn't satisfied with his answer, but why would I lie about something? I took a deep breath and went to the backyard for some fresh air. I was staring at the moon and suddenly tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't stop them. My legs felt weak and before I knew it I fell down on the grass and stayed there crying in the moonlight.