Chapter 11 (Riku's P.O.V)

I felt so much anger in me that I stormed out of the room. I didn't know what to think, but still be angry like she's the daughter of a very wealthy man and she could've easily gotten her father to get her a place at ShinHigh Writing Industries. I sighed in frustration and went out on the balcony and tried to put my thoughts right. I started thinking about it more and more since I heard that her parents were always busy, so the staffs always watched her ever since she was little. If her dad gave her a spot as ShinHigh then she would've been at a higher position and everyone would've known who she is based on her name instead of her father, but if she really did work hard as she said she did then that would explain how Cherry didn't know who she was and how Aki only knew her by her father's name and how Arata knows her by her last name.

I suddenly felt bad for the way I acted and behaved to her earlier. I looked down on the ground realizing what I did and said to her was wrong. I hated this world so much because everyone was using others for their needs to fortune and fame. I've always thought about everyone that way ever since I became an actor and just hearing and seeing people make deals with the top producers just so their children and friends can have a high status in the business and get tons of money while their parents are also getting their fair share and trying to become one of the richest families in the country.

I looked down and saw Aia on the grass. It looked like she was asleep, but it was a bit col outside even though it's summer it's still cold, so I went downstairs and out the back door and saw her laying there. She was asleep under the moonlight and it looked like she was crying. I went up to her and saw tears dried up on her cheeks. I knew she was crying because of me and what I said. I shook my head to get that thought out of my head and carried her inside. She was small and fragile so I carried her carefully inside to her room. I gently put her down on the bed and went to the bathroom and got a wet cloth. I gently wiped the tears off her cheeks hoping that I wouldn't wake her up. After I was done I moved her to the inside of her bed and put the covers on her so she wouldn't be cold. I closed the door and went off to my room. I sat there thinking about everything while not being able to go to sleep and I eventually ended up staying up all night.

Before I knew it, it was already morning. I groaned and got out of bed and went downstairs and saw Aia and Mrs. Yua talking and having breakfast downstairs. I went back upstairs and went to go get ready. I had to go to the city for our shoot today. I showered and quickly threw on some blue jeans with a white shirt and slipped on some sneakers. I brushed my hair, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I know this isn't the best way to dress while going to shoot for a movie, but I'm basically still a teenager until I go to college in 2 more months.

"I'm heading to the LSC for filming today." I said to Aia, while Mrs. Yua went to go do dishes.

"Are you not gonna eat first?" Aia asked.

"No, I'm not really hungry." I said.

"Oh ok." She said and went to get her purse.

"Where are you going?" I asked watching her.

"I'm going to ShinHigh Writing Industries." She stated.

"How are you gonna get there?" I asked.

"I was thinking about taking the bus." Aia said moving her hair from under the strap of the purse.

"Never mind that, I'll take you." I said opening the door and saw her in a bit of a shock. I started my car and waited for her to come in after she closed the house door.

"Thank you." She politely said and closed the car door.

"It's nothing." I said and drove off.

The car ride was silent and felt awkward at first until she broke the silence.