Chapter 13 (Riku's P.O.V)

I took a deep breath and walked in after the director introduced us to Ms. Chinen. I looked in the room and saw three long black couches that were set up with the outline of the room like in the meeting rooms in dramas. I saw Aia sitting there peacefully, but I decided to sit on the couch across from her then I saw Cherry going to sit by her and from the looks of it, it looks like they knew each other. I then felt the cushion next to me sunk in and saw Sun Hee right beside me. Not her again. I scooted a further away from her and tried to feel more comfortable and less tense. Arata and Aki both sat at the other couch where no one was sitting at, while Ms. Chinen and Director Reo was on their way coming to us.

"Good Morning guys!" Ms. Chinen smiled.

"Good Morning!!!!!" Cherry shouted with excitement.

"Looks like someone put too much sugar in their cereal this morning." Arata said with a bit of annoyance.

"Let's start the meeting, shall we?" Director Reo said clearing his voice and turned to Aia.

"Miss Aia, I understand that you have been told that I want to turn your novel into a movie." Director Reo stated in a serious voice.

"Yes sir, I understand." Aia said sitting up straight.

"I want you to help me direct the movie with the cast, which is why I brought them all here today." He said with hand motions going towards up.

"Although I do recall from hearing on the news and all over the media that you and and Mr. Riku Takahashi are engaged." He said adjusting his glasses.

I became tense as soon as he said it and I did forgot that the whole media was there, but now there's no way to cover this up.

"Yes sir, that's true." She said looking at him.

"That won't be a problem, but I do understand that you wrote in a part where the male and female lead kiss. Now are you completely okay with Mr. Riku kissing another girl for this film?" Director Reo asked. Aia became quiet and just by looking at her I could tell she was being hesitant with her answer.

"We can just do a fake kiss or use someone else for that part." I said crossing my arms from even thinking about the slightest movements in that kissing scene part. I looked at the director and got his nod from understanding.

"Now that we got that out of the way. I am very serious about having you help me director this movie because the way you wrote it is full of passion and I just immediately felt so touched with it and so emotional." Director Reo Said.

"Thank you so much and I'm really glad that you took a liking to my novel." Aia said and turned to Ms. Chinen to let her answer the rest.

"We would love to work with you and your film crew with this movie." Ms. Chinen said with a smile.

"Great! I look forward to working with you both." Director Reo said and shook hands with Ms. Chinen. After the meeting was over Arata and them went to go introduce themselves to Aia.

"Hi I'm Aki Tanaka, it's a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to working with you!" Aki said with a smile.

"And I'm Arata Tanaka, It's really nice to meet you and I also look forward to working with you." Arata said politely.

"And I'm Kim Sun Hee, I look forward to working with you." Sun Hee said with a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you all and I also look forward to work with you guys as well." Aia smiled.

After their introductions were done I saw Cherry going up to Aia. I don't know why, but I kinda want to know what they were talking about, but I also know that it's none of my business. Director Reo soon then called everyone to regroup and go back to LSC Entertainment. I looked back at Aia and saw her talking with her manager Ms. Chinen. I left the room and follow the others out.