Chapter 14 (Aia's P.O.V)

Himari Chinen is my manager and not gonna lie she can forget to introduce herself at time, but to her that's okay, as long as she gets her job done she's glad and happy at the end of the day. After the meeting is over I bid Himari my goodbye and went back down to the main lobby. I got out of the elevator and saw Riku. What was he still doing here?

"You're still here?" I asked.

"I'm your ride home aren't I?" He asked.

"Yeah, you are." I answered while looking at him.

He looked at me and walked outside to his car and I followed him outside. Once I got through the door, I saw him open the door for me which was the first time ever. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. I got in the car and thanked him before he closed the door.

"I gotta run some errands, so I'll drop you off at home." He said getting into the car and starting the engine.

"Okay." I said putting my seatbelt on.

He then drove off and stayed focus on the road. I know I should probably break the ice between us since we're gonna be married soon, but I have no idea how to and I don't even know where to start. Why is talking and trying to get to know another person so hard and stressful??!

We made it home and he dropped me off in front of the door and waited till I went inside. I took my shoes off and looked from the window and saw him take off. I got away from the window and saw Mrs. Yua.

"Mrs. Yua, may I ask you something?" I asked while sitting in front of her.

"Of course Miss Aia." She smiled.

"How should I talk to Ruki? How do you exactly break the ice between someone?" I asked.

"Miss Aia, everyone breaks the ice between someone in different ways, but in your position I would say just be yourself even if you become nervous and anxious and shaky. I think you should just talk to him the way you do to other people." Mrs. Yua said.

"Thank you Mrs. Yua." I smiled.

"It's no problem at all dear." She smiled and walked away.

How should I do this? What do I say? When do I know when the time is right??!

I kept thinking to myself nonstop while sitting there in the living room. The more I kept thinking the more anxious and nervous I become. I looked at my hands and I could feel them becoming moist and sweaty. I took a deep breath, in and out hoping that it will help calm down my nerves and it did work for a bit.

"Miss Aia, are you okay?" Mrs. Yua asked.

"I'm just nervous." I said.

"Maybe some tea will help you feel better." She said bringing me a cup of tea.

"Thank you Mrs. Yua." I smiled.

"You're welcome dear." She smiled and went back to the kitchen.

After drinking the tea my nerves became calm and relaxed again. I gently set the cup on the table and went outside to practice how to talk and approach him. A few hours passed and I'm kinda still a bit nervous, but I feel like I can do this...maybe. I looked up to the sky and saw the sun slowly setting and Riku still hasn't came home yet. I sighed and went to go sit on the chair Mrs. Yua put out for me. I could feel the sun touching my skin and tried to relax in the chair.

"Aia, what are you doing?" I heard a deep voice say.

I turned around and saw Riku standing there leaning against the side of the house.

"Oh, I'm just enjoying the weather." I said.

"It is nice out here." Riku said walking out of the shade and into the sunlight.

The sun was setting and the sky was changing colors for the sunset and I've always loved watching the sunsets because they're beautiful and the sky becomes full of beautiful colors. I looked at the sky and could see it turning a light orange and pink.

"You know, during this moment of the day the sunset becomes very beautiful." I said.

"Come with me then." He said opening the door for me.

"Where are we going?" I asked walking inside.

"To the best view of the sunset." He said leading me to the balcony.

It was a balcony that leads to the back of the house and you can see everything from up here. I looked down and saw Mrs. Yua carrying the tea set back inside and looked back up and saw the sunset.

"It's beautiful Riku!" I said in excitement while living in the moment and looking at him.

"It is isn't it." He said smiling. I smiled at him and went back to looking at the sunset. Maybe I overreacted and was overthinking about talking to him and in the end everything turned out well. Living in this moment in time feels like a dream like how Cinderella got her dance with Prince Charming at the ball. I hope it never ends.