Chapter 17 (Riku's P.O.V)

Ever since last night, I feel better about myself. I feel like I can let my guard down now and be comfortable around people. I'm still not one hundred percent sure about my feelings, but I do know that she gives me a warm feeling that I haven't felt in a really long time.

"Aia, are you ready?" I asked putting my jacket on.

"Almost!" She shouted from upstairs.

I got my shoes on and heard her coming down the stairs and turned around and there I saw her standing there in a beautiful light blue dress and white heels and her hair looked so smooth and shiny and straight, which made her looked even beautiful and gorgeous. I honestly couldn't take my eyes off her until I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mr. Riku, where are you? We're almost ready to film the last scene of the movie." Director Reo said.

"Aia and I are on our way. We'll be there shortly." I said and hung up.

"You look beautiful Aia." I smiled while opening the door for her.

"Thank you, you look handsome." She smiled and went out the door.

I could feel myself blushing and my face becoming red. I'm honestly really glad we got close because I love this type of feeling. I went out the door and locked it and opened the car door for Aia. After closing the door for her I got into the driver seat and drove to the entertainment. When we got there I opened the door for Aia and walked inside with her. I feel more confident in myself now that I don't feel like I have anything weighing me down. I grabbed Aia's hand and kept walking with her to the elevator. I soon then felt her hand tighten around mine and honestly it was the best feeling ever. As we got into the elevator and clicked the level to go on, I could feel my heart racing and pounding against my chest as if it was gonna burst out and explode.

The doors opened and I had to let go of her hand to open the door for her. I let her in first and then I went in after her. Everyone was still getting their makeup and clothes fixed and re-reading their lines. I went to go sit in my spot for the scene, while Aia went to Director Reo to confirm the final details for the last scene of the movie.

"Okay everybody! Get in your places!!" Director Reo shouted through his megaphone.

The final scene is where the male and female leads are watching the sunset at the beach and she takes her final breath to tell him "I love you" before she dies in his arms. To be honest, it was a sad scene and moment, but why does it have to be so sad? Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"And....cut!" Director Reo shouted again.

"Great job everyone! We have finally finished filming!" He shouted and smiled while everyone clapped.

"Also the movie premiere will be next week!" He shouted again and left with the camera crew to go put the movie together.

"You know Riku, you're not that bad." Sun Hee said to me.

"If you may excuse me, I gotta go." I said dismissing myself from her.

I walked away from her and went to Aia. From the corner of my eye I could see her face in disgust from seeing me with Aia. I know that she's jealous of Aia, but what can I say. Aia is very beautiful. I looked away from her and smiled at Aia and went down to the lobby.

"I'm so glad we finally finished filming!" Aia said looking more relaxed.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because I can focus more on my writing and my time with you." She smiled while blushing.

"I feel the same way, but acting for me." I smiled while trying not to sound awkward.

We got into the elevator and went down to the lobby. We then saw Ms. Chinen waving and yelling at us for our attention as she got closer to us.

"What's up Himari?" Aia asked.

"Serious serious business Aia!!" She shouted.

"I'll give you guys some space and privacy." I said about to walk away until someone grabbed my clothes and yanked me back.

"You are going no where! This involves you too!" Ms. Chinen shouted, which made me feel slightly scared of her.

"Jinx is requesting both of your presences tomorrow." Ms. Chinen said in a serious tone.

"Why?" Aia asked.

"Because they heard about how LSC Entertainment made a movie of Tears of Endearment and they want to talk to you guys since Aia is the author of the novel and you played in male lead in the movie and basically the face of LSC Entertainment." Ms. Chinen said to Aia and I.

We both agreed with Ms. Chinen about making an appointment with Jinx and we finally left the building. After filming for so long I decided to take Aia to the park for a walk and to play with puppies. After that Aia and I went to go get some ice cream which would end the day perfectly. We then went home and let Mrs. Yua go home early and let her have a few weeks off, so she can spend time with her family.

"Thank you for taking me out. I had fun." Aia smiled.

"Of course, but it's not over yet." I smiled and took her to the balcony. I had Mrs. Yua set up tea for us, so we could watch the sunset and enjoy it together.

"What's all this?" Aia said in a bit of confusion.

"I had this prepared for us so we could watch the sunset together."I smiled.

"Aw, how sweet!" She smiled.

We both took out seats and watching the sunset together while drinking tea. We also talked more about Jinx and Aia's new story she was beginning to write. We had a great time and smiled at each other.

"Riku, thank you so much for today." She smiled while the wind lightly blew her hair, which made her even more prettier.

"You're welcome Aia." I smiled as the suns tarted to disappear. I walked Aia back inside and escorted her to her room.

"Goodnight Riku." She said.

"Aia wait!" I yelled nervously. She opened her door and looked at me waiting for me to say something, but I started becoming nervous that I didn't know if I could do it or not. I took a deep breath and kissed her on the cheek and told her goodnight.

I begin to feel my pulse and heart racing against my skin and chest. It feels like they were going to explode inside of me. My body became hot and sweaty as I walked away to my room and collapsed on my bed. I felt my face and it was even hotter than before. I hid my face with my hands taking deep breathes trying to calm down my body and nerves. I went to my balcony and looked up at the moon and the stars with my heart still pounding. Is this how it feels to be in love? If so, then I want it to last forever.