Chapter 18 (Aia's P.O.V)

I laid on my bed blushing and my face all red. I could feel my heart pounding loudly against my chest and I could barely sleep at all. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss and yes even though it was just a kiss on the cheek, it still felt unreal. I rolled over to the other side of my bed and hugged one of the pillows and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I was wide awake and throughout the night I just laid there.

Before I realized it, it was already morning. I got out of bed and went to the balcony and watched the sunrise. It was beautiful and the fresh morning breeze felt amazing. I went back inside and heard my phone buzzing. I picked it up and it was a message from Himari.

"Aia, don't forget about your guys meeting today with Jinx." She texted.

"Okay, thanks for the reminder." I replied and went to go get ready. I went to my closet and picked out a lavender pink dress and laid it out on the bed and went to go turn on the shower. I let the water run for a little bit and went into the hot shower.

After showering and putting lotion on, I changed into my dress and slipped on my white heels, grabbed my phone and purse and went downstairs. I saw Riku eating breakfast for once and I couldn't help, but smile at him.

"Good morning Riku." I smiled walking next to him.

"Good morning Aia." He smiled. I suddenly felt my heart racing and caught myself smiling really big and sat next to him.

"Why are you so dressed up?" He asked looking at me.

"We have a meeting today at Jinx." I said while Mrs. Yua was handing me some breakfast food.

"Wait what?!!" He said in shock while almost spitting out his food.

"Yeah, our meeting with Jinx is today." I said and started eating.

"If you don't mind, please excuse me for a bit." He said while getting up and rushing upstairs. I sat there eating my breakfast and talking to Mrs. Yua about her family and how her day was. We talked for a bit while she was cleaning up the table and dismissed herself to go do dishes. I texted Himari to meet us at Jinx and we can go on from there and hopefully everything turns out well.

"Okay! I'm ready, we can go now." Riku said rushing down the stairs.

"Okay, Mrs. Yua we're off to Jinx now. Don't forget to lock up before you go." I said and went out the door with Riku.

We got in the car and drove to Jinx. I was a bit nervous to see what and why they would want to see us. Riku turned on the radio and the news of Tears of Endearment was all over the radio about how it's turning into a movie and who's casting in the film. He turned the radio off and focused on driving.

"I'm sorry that you had to listen to all of that." He said.

"It's okay, I don't mind at all." I smiled and watched him smile as his response.

We kept driving for another 20 minutes and we finally arrived there. We got out of the car and met up with Himari and went inside. It was huge on and full of creativity on the inside. It was big like companies and everything and the same look inside, but there was more decorations full of works and authors that made it big in the writing business. We kept walking and went in the elevator. While we were standing there waiting for the doors to open there was music playing. It was regular elevator music, but it wasn't boring sounds with melodies it was actually upbeat and relaxing.

The doors opened and we walked out and follow Himari to the room where the meeting was held. I was feeling nervous and having goosebumps on my arms and legs and kept shaking. My hands began sweating and my chest was racing and pounding and that's when Himari opened the door. As soon as we walked in everything felt tense and hardcore.

"Good morning Ms. Chinen." The head of Jinx said shaking her hand.

"Good morning Mr. Kobayashi, please meet Miss Aia Suzuki and Mr. Riku Takahashi." Himari said hand motioning towards us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both Miss Suzuki and Mr. Takahashi." Mr. Kobayashi said shaking our hands.

"Please take a seat and we can get down to business." He said hand motioning us to sit down in front of his desk.

"Now let's talk, I heard that LSC Entertainment has made a movie based off of the novel "Tears of Endearment"." He said crossing his hands.

"That is correct sir." Riku said.

" Now that you have confirm that, publishing Miss Aia's novel won't be as slow as expected after Ms. Chinen." Mr. Kobayashi said.

"Why is that?" Himari asked.

"Well before Miss Aia granted us permission by signing the consent form, LSC Entertainment has filmed and made a movie on the book already, which takes us to the point of having the book published worldwide before the movie comes out so it doesn't look like we published a book that was based off of a movie and the ideas were from the movie." He explained.

"I understand." Himari said and looked at me.

"I understand Mr. Kobayashi and I will also like to have my novel publish before the movie, so then it doesn't look like I'm copying and taking someone else's ideas." I said.

"Now that all that is sorted, I just need you and Ms. Chinen to sign this consent form for your novel." He said giving us a paper and pens. After signing it we handed it back to him.

"Thank you and we will be publishing and letting out your novel sometime this week. It was great meeting you two." He smiled.

"It was great meeting you too." Himari, Riku, and I said and shook his hand one at a time and left the room.

"Well that didn't go as bad as I thought it would." Himari said stretching.

"Agreed." Riku and I said in a unison.

Himari then looked at us weirdly, but shrugged it off. We went into the elevator heading back down to the lobby. The elevator went faster than before, well at least it felt like it because we arrived at the lobby quicker than arriving at Mr. Kobayashi's office. Himari bid us goodbye and left to go back to work, while Riku and I headed back home. We arrived back at the house and changed to comfortable clothes. I switched to a white t-shirt and black sport shorts and Riku switched to a turquoise t-shirt and tan cargo shorts. He still looks cute and handsome though.

"Riku let's make some sweets!" I excitedly said holding a bag of flour.

"Ummmm....Aia, I don't know how to make sweets. I only know how to cook meals." He said a bit shyly which made my heart skip a beat or two.

"That's okay! I can teach you." I smiled.

He smiled back and came into the kitchen with me. I showed him the steps of how to measure correctly and how to roll the dough. It was really fun to the point where we both were covered in flour, while eating sweets.