Chapter 20 (Aia's P.O.V)

When Riku hugged me, it felt like the best thing in the world. It felt like as long as I was in his arms I was safe anywhere in the universe. I hugged him even tighter and when I felt his arms tighten around me and it made I couldn't help but melt in his arms.

"Can we stay like this for a little bit longer." Riku asked.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Aia..." He said still holding me.

"Yes Riku?" I asked.

"No matter what anyone says about you, I will always be here for you especially when you need me the most. I don't care what anyone says and whatever rumors there might be. I will always protect you and be on your side." He said smiling.

"Thank you Riku." I smiled.

"Anything for you." Riku smiled and broke the hug.

"It is time to make dinner now." He said walking to the kitchen.

"What are you cooking for us tonight?" I asked sitting in front of him watching him take out ingredients.

"It's a surprise." He smiled and waved me off to go do my own thing while he makes a surprise dinner.

I went to the backyard and watched the rain fall and it was quite satisfying and relaxing actually. I kept watching the rain as it slowly got lighter and lighter soon becoming daylight and forming a rainbow. It was quite beauitful. I went out and stood on the grass and watch the rainbow as it lightly rained. It was the kind of rain where the sun was still shining and the rainbow is appearing through the sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Riku asked coming to stand by me.

"It is." I answered him.

"I also thought you were cooking?" I asked looking at him.

"I was, but I saw you out here and I wanted to see what you were looking at so I came out and realize that it was something beauitful." He said looking at me and back at the sky.

"Are you ready to go back in?" I asked.

"I'm ready when you are." He said.

I smiled amd grabbed his hand and walked inside. We both went into the kitchen and started making dinner. To be honest, I don't really know anything about cooking, so I wasn't really a help of helping him cook, in fact Riku stopped me from helping him cook so I just sat there watching him. He turned on some classical music to get him in the mood of cooking. I never thought that I would get to see this side of him and I really liked it and watching him cook was a bit fasinasting and eventful.

After waiting for 30 minutes or so he finally was done cooking. He got out two plates and placed the food onto them. I couldn't see them because his back was facing me and blocking the view. He came to me and placed one of the plates in front of me while the other one was his. The dish he made honestly looked and smelled really good.

"Are you surprised by my cooking skills?" He asked.

"Actually yes I am." I laughed.

We both started eating and this was the best food I've ever tasted. It tasted amazing like I'm living in food heaven. He looked at me and started smiling and laughing at me and I did the same to him. We talked more about cooking and how he learned to cook and what his secrets were into making them taste really good, after all I still can't cook.

After dinner we both cleaned up and helped each other with the dishes. We both do our fair share of housework when Mrs. Yua is off work, and we both take turns on doing lanudry and taking out the trash even though Riku insisted that he can always take the trash out, but I didn't want him to always feel like he's the only one who has to get rid of it and that's when we decided to share the chores. It felt like we were an actual married couple like in the romance movies and stories where married couples are the most favored people and everyone praises them and hopes that they never split up and separate.

Riku went to go shower while I went to the balcony. I couldn't help, but think about our wedding. How would it look like? Will it be huge and a big deal? Or will it be filled with paparazzi and the whole media? I have all these questions, but no one is giving me the answers I need. I started think more about our wedding until Riku came.

"You look confused, why is that?" He asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking about our wedding day." I said.

"Well one thing I do know, it's gonna be a beautiful white wedding and you are gonna look gorgeous." He said hugging me from behind.

"And you're gonna look handsome." I smiled.

"Why thank you." He smiled. We stayed up there for awhile and kept talking about our wedding and that's when Riku's phone was going off.

"I'm gonna have to take this Ais, please excuse me." He said and walked back inside. I stayed on the balcony waiting for him and before I knew it I heard his car. I rushed inside and down the stairs and opened the front door and saw nothing, but an empty driveway.