Chapter 21 (Riku's P.O.V)

"Hello?" I asked while walking inside the house.

"Mr. Riku, I'm sorry to call you at a late time, but the drama film director of "Forever yours" wants to meet with you right away for the male lead." Director Reo said.

"Ok, I'm on my way." I replied. I grabbed my car keys and ran outside and drove off. I know that I should've told Aia where I was going, but they needed me right away, but I will call her once I get the chaance to.

I avoided traffic as much as I could and made it to LSC Entertainment. I parked the car and went inside and found Director Reo and the director of "Forever Yours" talking in the middle of the hallway. I made my way over there and saw Sun Hee. I ignored her and waved to Director Reo.

"Director Kazashi, this is Mr. Riku Takahashi." Director Reo said introducing me.

"Hello Mr. Takahashi, it's a pleasure to meet the son of Eshima and Lady Mei and you may call me Director Kazashi" He said putting my hand out.

"The pleasure is all mine and please call me Mr. Riku." I said taking my hand and shaking it.

"And we are waiting for one more." Director Reo said looking around.

"And there she is! This is Miss Kim Sun Hee." Director Reo introduced.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Kazashi." Sun Hee said.

"Please call me Director Kazashi." He said.

"And please call me Miss Sun Hee." She said.

They both shook hands and the four of us made our way to Director Reo's office. The evelvator was a bit crowded with the four of us including and a few other people which made me had to stand closer to Sun Hee. We're still not on good terms ever since she insulted Aia. I could feel her scooting towards me more and I felt extremely uncomfortable. Honestly I couldn't wait to get off of this elevator and the minute I looked at the doors, they opened and I felt the relief of freedom. We all walked out at once and it felt like a wave of water was just released. The four of us walked to Director Reo's office and got down to business.

"So the reason why I called you two down here today is because Director Kazashi wants to film his new drama "Forever Yours" with you two starring as the main female and male lead." Director Reo said.

"Really?!!" Sun Hee said in excitement.

"Yes, I would really like you two to star in the drama and start filming with me immediately." Director Kazashi stated.

"I would love to!" Sun Hee squealed in excitement.

"What about you Mr. Riku?" Director Kazashi asked.

"What's the drama about?" I asked wanting to know more about it before I accepted or declined it.

"The drama is about the forbidden love between a soldier and a princess. They weren't supposed to meet but once they did it was love at first sight until the King found out and had him executed." He explained.

"Hmm...I'll take the part." I said and shook hands with him.

I may not like Sun Hee, but I do like this drama and it's also an opportunity to make a bigger name for myself to reach America. It's always been a dream of mine to become a worldwide actor.

"Alright then, it's settled. The whole cast will meet at T.J Entertainment Industry tomorrow morning." Director Kazashi said.

Sun Hee and I agreed and watched Director Reo escort Director Kazashi out as we both made our way to the elevator.

"Wow Riku, we're gonna be filming another romance drama together." Sun Hee smiled.

"Don't get used to it." I said pressing the elevator button for it to open.

"You know I wonder if your just taking up these dramas because of me." She said and walked in the elevator with me.

"In your dreams. I have no interest in you." I said fixing my suit.

"That's what they all say, but we all know I always get what I want." She smiled and tried holding my arm. As I felt her touch me I instantly moved further away from her.

"Riku you know you don't have to put up with that girl. If you don't want to hurt her feelings by rejecting her then come to me and I'll get rid of her for you." Sun Hee said smiling.

"No thank you. I completely feel better when I have her around." I said.

"Aw but Riku I know that you don't like her and your just pretending to because your parents arranged you two to get married." She said getting closer to me and by then the doors opened. I walked out ignoring her and just wanting to get back home to Aia.

"Well see you tomorrow Riku." Sun Hee smiled and walked away.

I glanced at her and pulled out my phone to call Aia but she wasn't picking up. I tried again and again but there was no answer. I ran out of the building and to my car and drove off home. I started getting worried that something bad happened to her. I took the back roads which was a bit longer but I could speed without getting caught.

When I made it home I ran inside and didn't see anyone. I ran upstairs and there still was no sign of her and that's when I thought about the balcony. She could still be there waiting for me. I ran to the balcony and saw her there just sitting under the moonlight.

"Aia." I said softly.

"Hm." She answered.

"I'm sorry I left without saying anything." I said standing still

"It's fine.."She said and got up.

"Have you been here all night?" I asked.

"Waiting for you to come back...yeah" She looked at me with a sad expression.

"I'm so sorry." I ran to her and hugged her. She was shivering and her skin was really cold and pale.

I took her inside and placed her on my bed and cover her with a blanket. I turned the lamp on and raised the temperature a bit higher so she could get warm. I closed the door to the balcony and went back to Aia and found her asleep.

"Goodnight Aia." I whispered and kissed her forehead.