Chapter 22 (Aia's P.O.V)

I woke up and found myself in Riku's room. I got out of bed and went downstairs and saw Riku sleeping on the couch. I went to the kitchen and made some tea for us and went upstairs to shower and change. Once I came back Riku was gone. I went to go check the kitchen to see if he might be there and he was.

"Riku." I said standing a few feet away from him.

"Aia...I'm sorry." He apologized while hugging me tightly.

"It's okay." I smiled looking at him.

"I'm sorry for leaving you here." He apologized again.

"Riku, it's okay." I said. He smiled and pulled away from me and handed me my cup of tea and held his. We walked to the living room and relaxed and got comfortable on the couch until he got a phone call from Director Reo.

"Riku it's time for you to come to T.J Entertainment to meet up with the rest of the cast memebers of "Forever Yours"." Director Reo said.

"Right, of course. I'm on my way." Riku said and hung up and looked at me.

"Aia..I gotta go back to work." He said.

"I know. I do too." I said putting my tea on the counter. He hugged me and got up to go shower and change while I grabbed our cups and put them in the sink. He came back downstairs and grabbed my purse for me while I gave him his keys.

"Thank you." We both said at the same time and laughed.

"Anyways do you need a ride?" Riku asked.

"No it's ok, Himari is outside waiting for me." I said slippng my shoes on.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight." He said and kissed me on the forehead and went to his car. I locked up the house and saw Himari waiting for me. I went to greet her and got into her car and left.

"How's it going with you and Riku?" Himari asked.

"It's going good, why?" I asked putting my seatbelt on.

"Because you guys are getting married soon and your guys engagement is still trending all over the media." She said.

"Our wedding is after college and I don't know if our parents still wants the arrangement of our marriage to still continue. I know that they said they wanted to merge their businesses, but feelings and thoughts can change within four years." I said looking out the window.

"That's true, but business is business. There's a good chance that you guys will end up getting married unless your guy's parents deal goes down hill." She said while parking.

"That's true, but I guess we'll just have to wait." I said getting out of the car.

We were at Jinx to witness the finishing touch of my novel being publish worldwide and scheduling a book signing. I was actually really excited for my novel to be available worldwide and for the book signing! We walked into the building and were greeted by Mr. Kobayashi.

"Good morning Ms. Chinen and Miss Aia." Mr. Kobayashi smiled and held his hand out.

"Good morning Mr. Kobayashi." Himari and I said and shaking his hand.

"Please follow me." He said leading the way. We followed him upstairs and went into the conference room where they were busy with the novel.

"Ms. Chinen and Miss Aia are here." Mr. Kobayashi said opening the door slightly before entering.

"Please let them in." I heard a voice said.

"Yes sir." He said and brought us into the room. Once we were in the room I saw a team of 6 people who looked around my age or older/younger. There were 4 guys and 2 girls.

"Guys, meet Ms. Chinen and Miss Aia." Mr. Kobayashi said closing the door.

"Hi my name is Haru." One of the guys come up and introduces himself to us. He has short messy white hair and dresses like he's still in school, but he looks a bit older than me.

"And I'm Akemi." Another boy said and he had short light pink hair that's swayed to the right side of his head. He looked about the same age as me and dressed like a kid mixed with a sense of teenage style.

"I'm Kouji and this is my brother Kouki! And we're twins!!" They both smiled happily. They both had short blonde hair that kinda spiked up and it seems like they've taken a liking into trendy styles and they wore identical clothing to express their twin vibe.

"Hello, I'm Hana." One of the girls smiled at me. She had long curly light purple hair that reached her mid torso and she wore red glasses. She looked younger than me and has a school uniform on.

"And I'm Sakura, it's nice to meet you." The other girl smiled. She had short straight shoulder length dark blue hair with bangs. She also looked a bit younger and was also wearing a school uniform.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I smiled and shook hands with them.

Himari and I both took a look at the publishing before it was finished and wow I was impressed especially with having two younger publishers who were still in school. After that we chatted with them and got to know them more as well as they got to know us more.

"Now that the novel has officially been published and released worldwide, we can start scheduling a date for a book signing in a couple months once the novel becomes more popular and famous." Mr. Kobayashi stated. I was about to say something until my phone went off.

"Please excuse me, I had to take this." I said and left the date scheduling in Himari's hands.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Aia, I'm sorry I won't make it home tonight." Riku said.

"What happened?!" I asked feeling concered.

"I'm starring in a new drama called "Forever Yours" and we have to go to New Zealand to film the drama." He said.

"Oh okay, so I guess I won't be seeing you for awhile huh." I said looking out the building window.

"I'm so sorry Aia. I can come home and back out of the drama." He said.

"No it's okay, you should stay in the drama. It can really take you to the next level of your career." I smiled.

"Okay Aia, but are you sure your okay with it?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm okay with it." I said.

"I'll see you when I get back." He said.

"Okay bye." I said and he hung up.

I can't believe he never told me about taking a part in a new drama especially since it's filming all the way in New Zealand. I don't even know when I'll be able to see him again. I looked out the window all sad and felt someone's hand on my shoulder and it was Himari. According to her, they all finished talking and scheduling dates. We went back down to the lobby and Himari drove me home. After she dropped me off I went inside and up to his room. I could still smell his scent all over the room and laid on his bed. After just a few months of knowing him I missed him a lot even though I just saw him this morning. I started hugging a pillow and crawled under the sheets and tried to relax and it suddenly hit me...tomorrow was the movie premiere and we were supposed to go, but it looks like I'm on my own know.