
Charles just wake up and he still can't believe that he was adopted by Sebastian

Sebastian: Charles breakfast is ready we have a long day ahead of us so eat up

the first place they go to is the market to buy some new clothes for Charles.And second is school Sebastian wants to enroll Charles to a school. But Charles is already smart but he is still fine with that what ever makes Sebastian happy. They have visited all place Sebastian want to go so they go back home


Sebastian: Charles I have to tell you something I love hero's and adventurer's story do you want me to read you one

Charles: I love to hear it

you can see the excited in Sebastian eye when Charles say that. And so Sebastian tell's him many stories about hero's and adventurer until Charles falls asleep

[4 years later]

Charles finish school at the age 15(15 above are called adult in this world). He now has a dream to become a well known adventurer he was inspired by the stories Sebastian told him .So he wave good by to Sebastian and said to him

Charles: Thank you grandpa for everything you have than for me

Sebastian hugs him and a single drop of tears falls on Sebastian face

Sebastian:here take this you will need it

he gives him 100 gold coins and a golden Ring

Sebastian: if you are facing a grave danger shout out on you heart of what you need the most

Charles:(confused) any way I'm for grandpa I'll come visit from time to time

Sebastian:(laugh) I know you will

And so they wave good bye to each other. But before he leaves the city he encounter a mysterious girl but when he looks back she disappear. He didn't take this as a big deal and leave the city



HIT POINTS: 100/100




WEAPON: short sword, 3 dagger


ARMOR: leather tunic

GOLD: 100


[30 minutes later]

while walking on the forest he was attack out of nowhere by a goblin it hit him in the arm


And two more appears the other one appears beside the other goblin. While the third one tried to attach Charles on the back. but Charles blocked it and turn back and slash the goblin.

Charles: I won't fall for that again

he was rushed by the third and the first goblin

second goblin:(shoot an arrow)

Charles is having a difficult time defeating them because 2 goblin are rushing him. And the other one other one is not giving him time to rest so he think of a strategy to defeat them. And it clicks he throw a dagger to the second goblin (hits the hand of the goblin it can't use it's bow now). And then when the third goblin is going to swing he pulls the first goblin and it hits the first goblin killing it. while the third goblin is shocked he swing his sword killing it and he rush the second one finishing the 10 minute battle. he loots them

Charles: 10 gold coins i'll take that hmm a healing potion (drinks it)

but while retrieving his dagger he heard a scream

[to be continue]