The darkness can be a friend

Charles rushed to the place where the scream came from. He find a two dead body's and 6 dead huge wolf's and then he heard the cream again he found a girl being attacked by ten wolves. So he leaps into action by sticking his sword one of the wolves killing it in an instant and he killed five more. But two wolf bites him in the left arm and right leg he ignored his injury and fight on and kill three more wolf. And their is one more left but this one is different it's alot more bigger and it's fur is alot more harder to scratch he tried to throw all three of his dagger but all of them bounced off the wolf and he waits for the wolf to attach and then dodging it then attacking it but when he tried to stick his sword to the wolf's head his sword shattered upon hitting the wolf's head. He was kicked by the wolf to a tree immobilizing him

Charles: So this it this is how I am going to die I never become a hero(coughed up blood)

[everything turn black]

Charles: What the


(flashback on his childhood when he was mistreated by a family and when he was on the streets being beat up by a drunken)


Charles: yes I accept to protect everyone I love and to show everyone that I am not useless

[everything turns back]

The wolf was about to bite off Charles head when a sword appeared under the wolf killing it. And then a knight appears on the shadow of Charles the shadow kneel down Charles

???: my king thank you for you for choosing me as you general

Charles:(confuse) who are you

???: my name is Igris sire and I am you loyal servant

Charles:(take a big sigh) thank goodness I am still alive anyway uhh Igris return to where you came from for the time being until I rest up

Igris: as you wish sire

Igris disappear and then Charles looks around and see the girl shocked and scared so Charles go to her to comfort her

Charles: theirs no need to be scared it is fine n-

Charles woke up in front of a camp fire

Charles: uhh my head hurts

something pop up in front of Charles

???: you have level up

Charles: huh who's their

Charles looks around but no one is their

???: master

Charles: huh who are you and why are you in my head

???: I am your personal system assistant and I don't have a name you have to name me master

Charles: uhh ok your name naw is eva

eva:changing name to eva rebooting..... Hi I am your personal system assistant named eva

Charles: what are the things you can do

eva: I can show you your personal status and storage

Charles: how do I access them

eva: you can access your personal status by saying status and for storage is by saying storage

Charles: ok pretty straight forward "STATUS"



HIT POINTS: 87/100




WEAPON: broken short sword


ARMOR: destroyed leather tunic

GOLD: 110


Charles: wow ok next one storage

storage: empty

Charles: as expected hmm ah eva

eva: yes master

Charles: how do I summon Igris again I want to thank him for saving me

but before eva can say a thing the girl that he save showed up

???: ah your awake thank you for saving me if you didn't come I would be dead by now so thank you (crying)

Charles: ah your welcome anyways my name is Charles what's yours?

???: Catherine

Charles:it's nice to meet you Catherine (smile)

Catherine:(blush) anyway are you hungry

Charles: yes I am starving(laugh)

[after eating]

Charles: that was fantastic thank you for the food Catherine

Catherine: um Charles can you help me again

Charles: what is it Catherine

Catherine:help me bury my friends (crying)

they bury Catherine friends but while in front of the grave's she sings a lovely song

[next morning]

Charles: um Catherine good bye now I am going to continue my journey now

Catherine: wait ca can I come with you

Charles: are you sure?

Catherine: yes(blushes)

[to be continued]