golden heart

Catherine:So where are we heading Charles?

Charles: I don't know

Catherine: wait you don't have a plan (sigh) I am following a dead man

Charles: we'll don't blame me your the one that insisted coming

Catherine: w- I did say that(embarrassed) anyways how about we go to the kingdom of clover to go get some supplies

Charles: I am fine with that

But before they can continue their travel

Eva: souls are available

Charles: huh what do you mean?

Eva: you can convert the monster you have defeated into shadow but their is a limit on how many you can convert

Charles: so how many can I convert

eva: you have 9 slots available and you can expand your army by leveling up

Charles: so I only have Igris come to think about it how do I summon him? I want to thank him by saving me yesterday

Eva: you can summon you loyal servants by saying the word"ARISE"


suddenly a black figure come out of the shadow of Charles and it kneel down in front of Charles

Igris: why did you call me sire

Charles: I just want to say thank you for saving me

Igris: it is my honor for serving you my lord

Charles: uhh ok thanks again for saving me now go back

Igris disappear out of thin air and Charles looks at the dead wolf's

Charles: now Eva how do I convert them

Eva: you can convert them by saying the phrase"COME FORTH AND SERVE YOUR KING"

Charles:(takes a big sigh) COME FORTH AND SERVE YOUR KING

and suddenly some dark figure come out of the dead body's of the wolves and they all bow and howl in front of Charles

Eva: you are at you limit please delete some shadow

Charles: oh yeah I only have 9 slots available so I will only take the 7 big wolf

Eva: deleting.... complete you still have 2 more slots available do you wish to convert more

Charles: nah just leave it open I may need it some time in the future

Charles See's the names above the wolves

Charles: elder wolf huh and the biggest one is called alpha wolf. So you are the alpha of the pack so that's why I have difficult time defeating you. Hmm how about changing your name to midnight

Eva: changing name of alpha wolf to midnight.... complete name have been changed

Charles ok go back for now

Charles looks at the Ring Sebastian gave him Charles: Eva what is this Ring

Eva: this Ring is made of a unknown material and it has alot of mana stored in it

Charles: hmm that's strange I am going to keep it for the time being

suddenly Catherine jump out off nowhere

Catherine: what are you doing here?

Charles: nothing just checking if we can sell the fur so help me get there skin we can sell them at the market

so they take as much a they can carry and they continue their adventure to the kingdom of clover

[ three days later]

Catherine: here we are at the kingdom of clover

Charles: wow it's huge so what now

Catherine: how about we first visit the market to get some supplies

and so they go to the market to buy some supplies. But they are stop by a sream Charles See's a lady being rob

lady: ahh!! a thief help he took my purse

Charles rushes to action following the thief. But the thief is faster than him

thief: haha you can't catch me

Charles: Igris

Igris: yes sire

Charles: go trip the thief Igris

Igris: as you wish sire

Igris put his hands on the thief feet making him trip and Charles catches to thief and takes the purse and he go back where the lady and Catherine are

lady: thank you young man for retrieving my purse here take this

she give Charles 500 gold coins

Charles: (surprise) you don't ha-

but the lady disappear before he can finish his sentence

Catherine: hurry Charles let's buy some supplies before nightfall

Charles: coming

[At the market]

Charles: how much is wolf's fur

merchant: 50 gold coins per fur

Charles saw the swords that is displayed

Charles: hmm cutlass or falchion what type of sword should I buy Catherine

Catherine: hmm what about both I have seen you use dual hand technique before. Like yesterday while we are camping in the forest we where attach by a pack of wolves instead of using one club you used two

Charles: hmm fair enough I'll take both of them how much

merchant: that will be 210 gold coins in total

while paying for the sword Catherine called him and he looks around to find Catherine And he find her in a beautiful dress

Charles:(speechless) you look beautiful in that dress (blushes)

Catherine: thanks(blushes)

Charles: do you want to buy it

Catherine: no just trying it is too much expensive

merchant: I will give you that for free

Catherine: thank you but why

merchant: do you not remember me I am the lady you helped so I will give you that for free

Charles & Catherine: thank you so much

merchant: if it wasn't for you I have lost everything I have save for the past ten years

they wave good bye to each other but while searching for a place to spend the night

old man: can you spare a coin?

Charles: wait here sir

Charles runs of to buy some food

old man: thank you young man here take this as my appreciation

he gave him a map

old man: their is a dungeon west of the kingdom

[The next day]

Catherine: so what now Charles

Charles: how about going to the dungeon the old man is saying

they follow the map that the old man gave them and they found a boulder and a puzzle written on it Charles early solve the puzzle and the boulder split in half and a entrance appeared

[To be continued]