
Charles: wait before going in how about making a plan

Catherine: ok

Charles: because this is a dungeon I am sure their is going to be a maze so we need an escape route but what material should we use

Catherine: how about my earth magic if I create some colorful Rock's we can follow those back to escape

Charles: ok...WHAT!!! you can use magic

Catherine:well yeah you never ask me

Charles: how can you use your magic

Catherine:well duh by chanting every mage knows that even you

Charles (confuse).....

Catherine: huh you don't know anything about magic but you can use dark magic. right?

Charles: what do you mean dark magic I don't use any kind of magic

Catherine: so your saying me that you are not a dark mage

Charles: yup

Catherine:(takes a big sigh) I am going to teach you what different type of magic their are ok. There are four different elements fire,water,earth and wind they beat each other fire beat water, water beat earth, earth beat wind and wind beat fire this are the basics you need to know. But their are two more elements dark and light but they are super rare their are only 300 people known to have this elements

Charles: what are they weak and strong against

Catherine: I don't know they are that rare

Charles: how do I know what element I have

Catherine: ok put this on your hand if the paper burns you have fire, if the the paper get wet you have water, if the paper turn to stone you have earth and if the paper turns into small piece you have wind

Charles: how do I know if I have light or dark

Catherine: this are just rumors but if your paper turn to black you have dark and if your paper turn to white you have light [p.s the color ot the paper is brown]

So Charles put the paper between his hand but when they looked at the paper they see it is half burn and the front of it is white but the back of it is black

Catherine:(surprise) wow you have three elements

Charles: is having three rare

Catherine: well no but you have two rare element light and dark

Charles: come to think about it what element do you have

Catherine: me I have two element water and earth

Charles: so how do I cast magic

Catherine: well it's not going to be easy for you

Charles: why?

Catherine: well you can cast fire magic easily but it's about your two other magic their are super rare that there are no known books that talk about these two magic or how to use them and half of them are already dead and the other half are nowhere to be found

Charles: because i don't know how to use my other two magic how about you teach me how to use fire

Catherine: I am not going to teach you how to use fire you are

Charles: so your telling me I am going to teach myself

Catherine: yes because we have different magic

Charles: how long is it going to take

Catherine: it depends before I can use magic it took me one month to control water and earth

Charles: wow that's long ok we're do we start

Catherine:to the library

and so they go to the library so that Charles can master fire but instead of a month it took him three day because he is extremely smart

Charles: ok that's all for now I just want to control but after we finish the dungeon I am going to learn fire magic so are you ready to enter

Catherine: yes

(they enter the dungeon)

???: he who enter the dungeon shall face five different trials. Your first trial is to answer three different riddles first riddle "I have kingdoms, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?"

Charles: hmmm

Catherine: I got it a map?

???: correct!! second riddle "Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in rain,

Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What is it"

Charles: a shadow

???: correct!!! last riddle "My thunder comes before the lightning; My lightning comes before the clouds; My rain dries all the land it touches. What am I"

Catherine: hm what do you think

Charles: let me think about it

[five minutes late]

Charles: ah! a volcano

???: correct you have solve all three riddle you may go forward to the next trial

a different voice speak

???: for your next trial you need to pass this maze to the next trial

Catherine: you called it. so what now


all of Charles servant appeared in front of him

Igris: what's your command sire

Charles: go and find the way to the other side

all of the shadow split up to find the other side of the maze

[seven minutes late]

midnight return and he is pointing to the maze like it wants Charles to follow him

Charles: all shadow the return except for midnight

they follow midnight trough the maze finding their way out for the maze good work midnight now return

so they go to the next trial

???:for your next trial one of you need to hold on to this lever that gets hotter over time while the other person crawl throw the hole if the person holding the lever let go the person in the hole will be crush to death

Catherine: so who will hold the lever

Charles: me you crawl their while I hold this

so Charles hold the lever opening the hole and Catherine crawl in

[six minutes later]

the lever is getting hotter he can feel his hand getting hotter by the lever and suddenly the door open and the ceiling open and Catherine comes falling down Charles let's go of the lever

Charles:(exhausted) are you ok

Catherine: I am fine how about you

Charles: my hand hurts a little

Catherine looks at Charles hand and chant something and Charles hand healed and so they go to the next trial

???: for your next trial you have to tell who is telling the truth and who is telling the a lie

suddenly two person with blue color skin appears in the room with only one question

Charles hmm(looks around See's a sign behind a crack on the wall saying"the left one is saying the truth) the left one

the two person talks

???&???: correct!! follow us of your final trial

[to be continued]